Chapter 2

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                                             *Anakin's POV*

             We had just been assigned to protect Senator Amidala along Master Zaniyah Kryze. It's been ten years since I've last seen her. I was messing with my robes until my Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, noticed me.

           "You seem a little on edge, Anakin." He says looking up at me. It was weird being taller than him, but I got used to it.

         "Not at all." I stop fiddling with my robes. Master raises his eyebrow at me.  I close my eyes and take a deep breath,  I feel extremely nervous. 

        "I haven't felt you this tense since we fell into that nest of gundarks."  He replied, smirking at me.

          "You fell into that nightmare, Master, and I rescued you, remember?"  I say smiling at my Master.

          "Oh yeah."  Master shrugs his shoulders and we burst out laughing.  

          "You're sweating. Relax. Take a deep breath."  Master says, trying to calm me.

           "I haven't seen her in ten years, Master."  I said, I was sweating.

            "She's not the Queen anymore, Anakin."  He doesn't understand , he never does.  Padme was a friend, I was thinking of Zaniyah.

             "That's not why I'm nervous." I reply.  My Master shrugs again and smiles.

              "Why are you so excited?"  I ask, trying to change the subject.  Master is practically smiling from ear to ear.

             "Oh I'm just going to finally see an old friend after so long." Our conversation is stopped short when the elevator doors slide open to reveal Jar Jar Binks.

"Obi! Obi! Obi! Mesa sooo smilen to seein yousa." He blinks in surprise before smiling. Jar Jar eagerly shakes my Master hand. My Master smiles at the Gungan's enthusiasm.

     "It's good to see you, too, Jar Jar."He replies. Jar Jar excitedly turns around and is surprised to see me.

    " ...and this, I take it, is your apprentice..." He pauses and examines me, a look of realization hits him before he exclaims,

    "Noooooooo! Annie? Noooooooo! Little bitty Annie?" He jumps up and down before finishing his sentence. "Noooooooo! Yousa so biggen! Yiyiyiyyi! Annie!!" 

  "Hi, Jar Jar." I say politely. The next thing I know I'm being hugged by Jar Jar. "Thesa expecting yousa. Annie... Mesa no believen!"

   I hear a giggle from the other room.  Jar Jar excitedly escorts us to the room where Senator Amidala and the mysterious person was. 

   "Mesa here. Lookie... lookie... Senator and Zani. Desa Jedi arriven."Zani? I look across the room to meet the the eyes of the most gorgeous woman I ever saw in my life. 

                          *Zaniyah's POV*

    I escorted Padme back to her apartment so we could meet the Jedi. We had a couple of hours before they arrived so I decided to take a shower and practice my Huttese. Padme told me about the Blockade crisis that Naboo had ten years ago. That's how she met Obi-Wan and his padawan Anakin Skywalker. I remember him from years ago, I taught the Younglings class he was in. I was excited to see him, he probably didn't even remember me. I'm most excited to see Obi, it's been so long since we've chatted. After I took a shower, I grabbed my holopad and sat down on one of the luxurious couches Padme owned. I braided my hair into my usual single side braid and sang a song in Mandalorian that my sister taught me so long ago. Padme, Dorme, and Captain Typho are on the opposite side of the room talking. I stopped singing when I hear Jar Jar's loud voice talking excitedly to someone. I let out a small giggle. 

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