Taking A Gamble

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If you haven't read the previous chapters, the USS Defiant was on a training when they encountered priority when distress signal from Starbase 6. Now, the Defiant is in hot pursuit of a cloaked enemy.

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[I.S.V Victoria] [Location: Admin]

Chester, a young starship commander, was concerned about the Federation vessel that was following them. Jeff told him that it was most likely a reflection on the scanners, but he wasn't sure.

When Chester entered Admin, he saw Showball there. Snowball was a great advisor, and a close friend. He decided to ask what Snowball thought about the vessel behind them.

 Chester: "hey, Snowball, the 'reflection' that follows us, I it's an enemy starship."

Snowball: "Chester, if it's a Federation Starship, then why aren't they attacking?"

Chester: "first study the enemy, seek weakness. If I were their commander, that is what I'd do."

Jeff then entered the room, he didn't look too happy.

Jeff: "Chester, Banana accidentally sent a code to command, he's broken theruke of silence."

Chester: "I'll deal with that later. Jeff, can you keep tabs on the supposed reflection? I want to know if it dose something we didn't do."

Jeff: "you got it, Ches. If it makes wrong move, I'll know."


[USS Defiant] [Location: Bridge]

The bridge was quiet, only the computers broke the silence. The Defiant was still following it's enemy, waiting to make to right move. Torus stared into space, the dark void of many glistening stars.

Blue gave a report on the enemy's current course, then he went back to deciphering the code they were able to interpret. Veteran and Baggy made sure to copy the enemy, move for move. Mr Egg, looking between his console and the window, wondered what was next.

Torus: "current enemy course?"

Mr Egg: "unchanged, sir. They're heeded for the front lines. If they cross, we'll lose them."

For a moment, Torus considered his options. If he let's this enemy escape, then it would be possible the Milky Way Empire could use more cloaked ships against the Federation. He had no choice, the Defiant needed to attack this enemy.

Torus: "steady as she goes. Phaser crews ready?"

Mr Egg: " Phasers crew signals ready, sir."

Torus: "we're not letting them slip through our fingers. Now, fire blind. Lay down a pattern."

Smiling, Mr Egg hit a button to signal the Phaser Control Room and he set Phasers to proximity blast.

Mr Egg: "Traverse pattern. All Phasers fire!"

The mighty Constitution-Class Starship started to fire on proximity blast. Sapphire Blue bolts launched into the darkness, then the exploded over 50 meters ahead of the Defiant. The blasts seemed like depth charges in space.


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[I.S.V Victoria] [Location: Bridge]

The room shook again, that blast was close.

The Crew, minus Chester, couldn't believe that what they thought was a reflection on the scanners was an actual Federation Starship.

As Chester was thinking up a plan, he was pushed from behind by Pigeon, saving the young Captain from a falling beam. Unfortunately, Pigeon died after getting hit. They didn't have time to morn, for they had the Feds on their tail.

As the Federation bore down on them, they realized they needed some way of fooling there pursuer into ceasing fire. It had to be clever, and sneaky.

Chester suddenly got an idea. Although, this was a plan based on a move about an Old Earth Sea Ship versus an Old Submersible.

Chester: "I've got a plan. Everyone, load some of the lose debris into the airlock. Pigeon's body, too."

Jeff: "you got it. I just hope this works."

They gathered what the could from their broken ship, then they loaded it all into the airlock, then they ejected it all. The debris drifted out of the reach of the cloak, and they became visible to the naked eye.

For a second, the blasts stopped. Chester was happy with his plan, convinced that he had outwit his enemy.


[USS Defiant] [Location: Bridge]

Torus: "seriously? Of all the times a burn out could happen, it had to be now?"

A Phaser Curcits burn out was a rare occasion when a Phaser Bank set to proximity blast overheated, which causes the circuitry to melt and fuse. Unfortunately, the Defiant just had one, meaning it can't fire Phasers.

Torus: "why aren't the Phaser Curcits cool? Isn't the Cooling System supposed to fix this?"

Sire Sirol: "Sir, the Primary Cooling System wasn't due to be installed till next Tuesday."

Torus: "well, jury rig something! I'm not losing that ship!"

Blue: "Sir, the motion sensor signal stopped."

Torus: Helm, full stop."

Veteran's hands flew over the motion controls, and the grand starship stopped in the void of space. Torus jumped out of his chair, then he walked over to the Science Console.

Torus: "what happened? Did we hit them?"

Blue: "there is Vessel Wreckage ahead. Metal moulds, conduit, plastoform and a body, Commodore. However."

Torus: "however?"

Blue: "Insufficient Mass, Sir. Simple debris. Not a vessel, a trick. We've lost them."

Torus: "I've underestimated their commander, I won't make that mistake again. notify me when you find something, I'll be at the Captain's Mess."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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Live Long and Prosper

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