Chapter 1

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On the ark everything was great, especially for the five 10-12 year olds that had the run of the place.
Savannah and her friends, Clarke , Raven, Bellamy and Jasper were all running around playing hide and go seek.
It was Savannah's turn to seek.
Her friends went and hid in all different places, high and low.

She runs around a corner to face her father.
He was one of the members of the argo station.
What startled Savannah was her father was coming out of the armoury with a gun in his hand and he was dressed in a guards uniform.

"Dad. You look different. What are you wearing?" Savannah questions her father.
He just smirks and keeps walking past his daughter patting her on the back as he walks away.
She finds his behaviour strange but shrugs her shoulders and continues trying to find her friends.

"BOO! Found you. You know you shouldn't choose the same spot to hide every time we play, everyone knows your hiding place by now." Savannah explains to Bellamy who's curled up in a storage compartment that he always hides in.
Bellamy crawls out of the compartment and stretches as he only just fits in the tiny compartment now.
The pair laugh at how big Bellamy looks in the tiny space now that he's grown.

"Come on I'll help you find the others." Bellamy informs Savannah.
The pair run off hand in hand as they are best friends.
They find Clarke and Jasper but struggle to find raven.
As they are all trying to find her the alarm goes off.
They all get scared and run to the nearest sleeping quarters and close the door behind them.
They all huddle together and Savannah starts to cry.
"I'm scared. What if it's something bad?" She questions through tears.
Jasper hugs her to comfort her, this annoys Bellamy as Savannah is not just his best friend but his crush.
He hugs Clarke to try and make Savannah jealous, she doesn't pay much attention to him as she thinks he is just comforting a friend.

They hear an announcement over the intercom system.
"Air lock chamber opening. Please hold onto something stable as it may get a bit bumpy." A voice informs everyone.

The children all look at each other, they are all a bit worried as they know what's coming next.
"Someone's getting floated?" Savannah questions concerned.
Her face drops remembering what she saw, why was her father in a guard's uniform when she saw him? And why did he have a gun?

The kids can hear it as the inner air lock chamber doors close and then the outer doors opens.
They hear the whoosh noise as the air gets sucked out.
They quickly look out the window of the room they are in.
Their little faces pressed up against the window.
Savannahs face drops.
"DADDD!!!" She cries out as tears run down her cheeks whilst she bangs on the window hoping to get his attention, instantly recognising her father floating in outer space.
All Savannah has ever known is the space station as she was born onboard, her mother unfortunately passed away giving birth to Savannah so at only 10 years old Savannah was left an orphan she quickly runs to the airlock chamber.
She sees the man that she will blame for her fathers death for the rest of her life, Marcus Kane. The man who pushed the button to release the outer doors.

I HATE YOU!!! I hate you." Savannah exclaims hitting Marcus Kane repeatedly.

She drops to her knees bawling her eyes out, struggling to catch her breath.
"I'm sorry, Vanna. We had no other choice. You will understand when you are older." Marcus explains to the little girl who was his niece.
See Marcus and Savannah's mother Emilia were brother and sister, but after Emilia passed Marcus didn't have much to do with Savannah or her father, Matthew Barnes as he never really got along with Matthew and after Emilia passed he couldn't look at Savannah without seeing his sister.

Now that Savannah had No parents she would either have to go into the care of one of the other families or go to a relative, as Marcus is the only living family member left Savannah will be put into his care.

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