Car ride.

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Fast Forward about 2 hours later.
Lisa's POV.

The house phone rung violently as I was cleaning the kitchen counters. I wasn't sure who it could be, since Larry and his special little friend went to school already.. ' ' Hello! This is Lisa. ' ' I said in a polite voice. On the other line, I heard the principal of Nockfell Highschool explain in a stern voice; ' ' Yes ma'am, this is your son, Larry Johnson's principal calling. We need you to pick him up immediately. Johnson got in a terrible fight with a boy named Alex Aretz. He says it was only because he was being rude and disrespectful to a boy named Travis Phelps and bullying him. ' ' I could hear Lar-Bear yell something, however it wasn't very clear. All I could hear was ' ' I didn't say he was mean, I said he was being a bitch and ' ' Then the rest was muffled! It sounded like him of course, but I couldn't believe it! I always taught Larry that violence was never the answer, yet he never listened.

As soon as Lisa signed into the front office.

I looked around to find my boys, and I saw them! There were 4 chairs, in one, Larry was sitting with his backpack on the floor and arms crossed. His hair was messier than before and he had a black eye. Sitting in the chair next to him was Travis, he sat, hugging a notebook with puffy eyes and a tapping leg. The boy looked to be in distress. ' ' Where is the boy Larry fought? ' ' I asked the woman at the front office. To be honest, I'm starting to believe Larry's complaints about staff looking like they're mentally unwell. ' ' He's in the nurse's office. We believe he might have a broken nose and even a fractured spine. Due to this Larry will be suspended for a week... ' ' The woman said in a raspy voice. I stood in shock and covered my mouth. ' ' I'll be taking them home now, then. ' ' I nodded. I wasn't very surprised, as I said Larry is very stubborn and will fight anyone and anything! However I was a bit proud because he was protecting someone he loved. They grabbed their things as I signed them out and walked to the car. It was silent while walking there. I could feel cold stares throughout us as we walked through the chilly parking lot of Nockfell Highschool. ' ' That son of a bitch was making fun of me, Ms Johnson, Larry did nothing wrong! ' ' Travis yelled when I was about to speak, I nodded and sighed.

Larry's POV.

I fucking hate that boy Alex. Earlier, he was saying some dumb shit to Travis. I broke my pencil clenching it in my fist from anger, as I said he sucks! I saw Travis was crying and shaking, so I threw hands. Now I'm going home because I almost killed that fucker, I mean he was basically assaulting Travis! ' ' I understand that. ' ' Mom spoke. Travis looked all puffed up and his hair seemed to be more curly than before. To be honest, he looked like a bird that was trying to fight another dude.. ' ' I'm proud of you, Larry. ' ' She said, I lifted my head and sat there confused. I mean, I understand everything I did, but I expected her to be balls deep into an argument with us 3 right now! ' ' Why are you proud? ' ' I smiled a bit and chuckled. ' ' You love Travis, right? ' ' She glimpsed at me rough the little mirror at the front of the car. I still have no fuckin idea what that thing is called... Travis was about to yell in defense before I said ' ' Of course, dude. ' ' I shrugged. Travis looked between us and then loosened up. ' ' You protected him from being bullied, you stood up for him! Maybe you could've not broken his spine and given him a broken nose as well.. That's the only part I'm truly disgusted by, Larry Johnson! ' ' Mom raised her voice. Fuck man, my mother has a crazy ass death stare because I couldn't look into her eyes for more than 3 seconds! ' ' I've told you not to respond with violence! ' ' She took a deep breath and calmed down. ' ' I hate that kid Alex. ' ' Travis mumbled.

I'm back bitches
714 words 💀 but sup I'll be working on this more and trust me I'll add smut.

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