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Note: Thank you so much for enjoying another wonderful collection! :) And before you ask, this is post 10x20

On the flight to San Francisco.

'I'm really surprised you cloud get such good seats on such short notice! Usually you have to book these kind of flights weeks in advance.' Nell said, surprised at the 1st class seats Hetty managed to book.

'Oh, it was nothing to it.' Hetty humbly replied.

'So, how have you been? If I can ask.'

'Oh. Well, I'm doing good, now that I'm back at work.'

'That's nice. But, you were gone a really long time. Some of us were wondering if you were even coming back at all.'


Noticing how sad Hetty got. 'Oh! I didn't offend you, did I?' Nell asked with concern.

'No, no. You didn't. To tell the truth, I wasn't sure if I was coming back either. Last year was, horrible to say the least. And after what happened in Mexico, only a few months after being rescued, I needed a break from everything. I was unhappy for a long time.' Hetty replied with a sad voice.

'Did you go anywhere nice? Did anyone take care of you?'

'I wanted to remain off the grid until I felt better, so. I went to a private island that I know of. Lots of sun, peaceful locals, perfect place to relax.'

'Ir's somewhere in the Cayman's, isn't it?' Nell asked.

Hetty snickered. 'Maybe. I stayed there for a few months. Then, I got unintentionally involved with something. I didn't think it would last as long as it did. And no, I really don't feel like talking about it.'

'Did you get hurt?' Nell asked.

'Not really. Except I almost had to spend Christmas with a sprained foot after I slipped on a patch of ice.'

'Oh dear. Did you spend the holidays with anyone?'

'Yes, I was at a nice B and B. The people there were really nice, except that I did kind of miss all of you.' Hetty replied.

'Deeks did a nice toast for you, Granger and Hidoko at his bar, It was very sweet.

Hetty felt so touched, she almost cried.

Rubbing her arm. 'I miss them too.' Nell said comfortly.

'Some days are easier then others.' Hetty replied with a small smile.

'Do you ever go to his grave site?'

'I did, a few days ago. Almost burst into tears. Sometimes, knowing that he's never coming back, just really gets to me.'

'I know that feeling.'

The ladies talked for a while more until Hetty got tired. Before she fell asleep, Hetty thanked her for being such a good listener.

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