Chapter Fourteen

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Sorry for the wait! I got a little stuck on where I wanted this chapter to go, something that would have happened sooner or later since I kind of jumped into this without any sort of planning, but.

Anyway, hope you enjoy!


Izuku openly gawked as he approached the city of Omashu, its angular form unlike any city he'd seen back home. In fact, all the architecture he'd seen so far was gorgeous, each one unique both from his own world and from each other. True, he had seen only two cities, but he still thought it was cool.

As he strode down the zig-zagging pathway, peering awestruck over its edges into the yawning chasm below, memories of his long journey to Omashu resurfaced. It had been a hard trek, filled with much floundering in the human interaction aspect as Izuku tried to pretend like he belonged, but it was worth it to reach such a gorgeous city. He was glad to have somewhere to rest before trudging ahead to Gao Ling.

"Halt!" a bulky man dressed in green commanded. Izuku had noticed that that was a reoccurring part of this world. The majority of people he had seen so far seemed to wear green, save for the refugees on the boat he took to reach the mainland. He wondered why. Maybe green was the predominant dye in this universe? Was it cheaper? Was it some sort of cultural significance?

"State your business," the soldier continued, interrupting Izuku's rambling thoughts.

"Oh, sorry! I'm, um, a traveler. I've come here to...uh, rest?" Izuku winced at every stilted word that stumbled off his lips. No way would these guards believe that. Izuku didn't even believe himself, even though he had spoken the truth. Well, mostly.

"Rest, huh?" said the guard, narrowing his eyes. Izuku gave him his most innocent smile.

It seemed to do the trick, because the guard stepped to the side begrudgingly. Izuku smiled, then hesitated when he came face to face with...

...a wall.

"Uh?" Izuku said, turning to the man, but quickly clamped his mouth shut when the guard began to bend and move his arms in strange motions. Behind him came the harsh scrape of solid stone against earth, and he swiveled to watch in awe as the wall split open before him. Wow, so people did have quirks! Well, assuming that the odd motions that man did were the trigger for the walls opening. If they were, did he always have to do those movements for it to work? Was it-

"Hey, kid, stop muttering and get moving!"

"Oh - right, sorry!" Izuku almost tripped over himself in his hurry to enter the city, but he slowed to a halt once he got a proper view of the architecture. It was amazing, for lack of a better word. The buildings were constructed on several layers, causing the city to take the shape of several pyramid-like structures. Even more fascinating were the sloping chutes and slides that criss-crossed the city, on which Izuku could see bins of some sort traveled. A delivery system, perhaps?

Izuku shook his head. Now was not the time  to be stumbling over himself to admire the city. He needed supplies and a place to rest, things that wouldn't just deliver themselves on a silver platter if he stood here all day.

With that thought in mind, Izuku marched his way towards where he saw the largest congregation of merchant stands. He was going to go in, get his stuff, and get out. Simple as that. Easy pea-

"Hey! Watch it!" Izuku lurched backward as a rickety cart barrelled past him, the animals' feet trampling the air he had so recently occupied. The driver shook his head and muttered a stream of...unkind words as he drove by.

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