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A few days went by, I mostly stayed in my room, the only time I left my bed was to shower and go to the bath room.

Me and Pansy weren't really that close anymore, she had been spending most of her time with Blaise. Draco would come in to check up on me and bring me food but I never ate it, I hadn't eaten if 3 days.

"Hey, can I come in" he peeped his head out from the door, I waved my arm signalling for him to come in.

"I brought you food" he said in the sweetest voice. A smile grew on my face. I ignored him being to tired to speak.

"I know you don't want to eat, but you'll make yourself sick" he insisted I eat but I didn't want to. I felt disgusted with my self. He was trying so hard, it made me feel bad.

"I already am sick, look at me I'm disgusting" tears formed running down my face.

Heavy foot steps came towards me. He knelt Down besides me to get to my lever.

"Don't say that, your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" I felt my checks turn red when he said that, no one has ever said that to me before. I gave him a shocked look.

"Get some rest love, I'll come and see you in a bit, if you need me I'll be in the common room." He moved a piece of my hair behind me ear making me shiver from his touch. His soft lips landed on my forehead. Before I knew it he was gone. Love ? Why did he call me love? My eyes went heavy and week I tired to fight it but I fell asleep.

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