Chapter 20: The truth and the cure

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"Okay, so

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"Okay, so...let's recap for a second," Spider-Man said, taking off his mask. "Thorn Spider, an evil version of Star Spider, and her partner. Genocide Spider, took our our loved ones hostage so they can bargain their lives for the wolf spider shards."

"And then, they stabbed us in the back and poisoned us, which led us to experience unexpected nightmares of the coming threat that involved Wolf Spider's return." Spider-Tsundere said, pondering over what has transpired.

"Then, we found a half genie spider totem and her fiancé being the answers to the cure, and Madame Web found us and we returned to Loomworld." Kid Arachnid added.

"Unfortunately, just when we had hope by our side, a new spider comes into the picture that is a variant of a psychotic villain we'd least expect," Star concluded, folding her arms. "This is going to be a long explanation and mission to finish."

The Web Warriors were in another room of Loomworld, and they have been taking into account that there's a spider totem version of Kraven the Hunter, only he's called Spider-Hunter. "I just can't believe this. It's bad enough there's an evil version of me, but a spider version of Kraven?" Spider-Man complained.

"Yeah, no kidding! He should not be here nor trusted at all!" Star barked, her wrist stingers out.

"You're right, Rose. It's Kraven. the guy who killed White Tiger's father, tried to sacrifice Xabu for immortality, joined Doc Ock's Sinister Six, and then desperately tried to get into his Sinister Seven." Kid Arachnid said. He then look at Star Spider, who had her brow raised up. "Eh, no offense."

"None taken. I was actually going to help you add more to that list of why Kraven should not be trusted. Most of them involving ME!" Star remarked.

"Izzy, in your world, is there a comic book version of Kraven being a spider?" Spider-Man asked Spider-Tsundere.

Spider-Tsundere shook her head. "Just one, but not Hunter-Spider. In that comic, Kraven killed you, and took over the mantle of Spider-Man and killed Punisher. Captain America, Iron Fist, Daredevil, and Human Torch found out it wasn't you and they killed Kraven. It was a dark and sad ending." She explained.

"Great panther," Star groaned, placing a hand on her face. "It's like one of my nightmares."

"It was a 'what if' comic," Spider-Tsundere said.

"But still, a Spider-Kraven?" Kid Arachnid sarcastically said. "What was he even here for?"

"I'll tell you what. Genocide and Thorn could have sent him here to finish the job, in case their first plan in getting rid of us failed!" Star exclaimed, all stingers out. "Spider-Hunter is not to be trusted!"

"I don't trust him either. The female Kraven from Spider-Girl's universe tried to kill me, Rose, and her guy counterpart," Spider-Tsundere said.

"I don't trust Kraven, as well." Spider-Man said, crossing his arms. "But if he was here before Madame Web found us, then that means he probably didn't hurt the others."

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