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Lauren pov
An hour later
There was a knock on the door and I knew it was Y/N so I shouted
"Can someone get the door it's Y/N" I shouted from upstairs letting everyone know and I went back sorting out Sean I heard the door opening and that's when I heard his voice
"Hi I'm here to pick up Sean" he said calm as possible I knew that tone it was him calming down from whatever or whoever pissed him off
"Hey Y/N/N yeh Laur told me why don't you come in" a familiar voice said which I knew it was Taylor I heard Y/N come in and Taylor shutting the front door but that not the only thing I heard, I heard my ex and my sister talking
"So h-how she been?" He asking my sister which I'm guessing is about me
"Upset, but that's cos her on and off boyfriend broke it off again" she said to y/n
"I-I know I'm sorry it wasn't gonna work out I just wanted to think of our son" Y/N said as I started walking downstairs w my son and my sons stuff
"And u have done brilliantly, ur nothing like ur parents ur doing more w Sean than ur parents did w u" Taylor said as he nodded his head next thing I did was clearing my throat so they could  both look up and see that I was ready and downstairs w my son
"So I packed his bag" i started before y/n cut me  off
"For what??"  Y/N asked confusingly and i looked up at him and started talking again
"I was gonna say before u cut me off" i said as he quickly nodded his head " anyways I packed his bag since he is gonna stay w u for a night, u have my number so yk what to do, he has his bottles his diapers I also put breast milk in there enough to last for a night, yk his nightly routine right-" i started rambling before he cut me off
"Laur it'll be okay he is my son aswell ik what to do okay" he reassured me. "Anyways there are paparazzi outside so I'll need to cover him and asap" he started saying
"What u mean paparazzi are outside?!?" Me and Taylor screamed
"I mean they followed me w out me realising so I need something to cover our son so they don't take pictures of him" y/n stated as i ran upstairs to get one of our son blanket to cover him after i did we covered Sean and we all said our goodbyes
"I'll drop him off tomorrow I'll give u a text on what time okay? Y/N said to me which I  nodded as he walked out of my  house w my son and his stuff, I shut the door behind him. I knew that I wasnt gonna get over him that quickly, I was still in love w him. I looked outside to see if the paparazzi was still here, which they weren't so they must've left when Y/N n our son left I was worried if they made it or not so I decided to message y/n I took my phone out to message my ex
Baby Daddy🥰
Lauren: did u n Sean made it to urs?
BabyDaddy🥰: yeh luckily the paparazzi fucked off, how u feeling?
Lauren: I'm glad they did and I'm okay Y/N/N
BabyDaddy🥰: good I'll see u tomorrow when I drop our son back cos I have to record some songs n send it to LA
Lauren: ok
I placed my phone down and 10 minutes later my phone goes off again so I picked up my phone to see what it is
@TMZnews posted a post
@TMZnews tagged you in a post
@Dailymail posted a post
@Dailymail tagged you in a post
@OfficialY/NL/N posted on their story
I click on the last notification ignoring the rest of the notifications
@OfficialY/NL/N story

He looks so adorable my son of course, and I had to show my family the picture I knew they followed Y/N social media's but I had to show them so I ran downstairs "Mami! Papa! Chris! Taylor!" I screamed all the way down the stairs as the all whippe...

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He looks so adorable my son of course, and I had to show my family the picture I knew they followed Y/N social media's but I had to show them so I ran downstairs
"Mami! Papa! Chris! Taylor!" I screamed all the way down the stairs as the all whipped their heads quickly facing me
"What's up Mija?" Mami asked worriedly as she didn't know what was going on
"Yeh sis why u screaming?" Taylor also asked confusedly
"Y/N posted on his story" I squealed excitedly
"Ok and?" Chris asked furrowing his brow together
"Look at it, it's so adorable" I told them as I reclicked on y/n story and passed it around my family members before my phone got passed back to me
"So?" I smiled widely looking around the room
" that's adorable mija" mami said smiling
"That's sweet, my little nephew" Taylor said mentioning Sean
"The only person I like in the picture is my grandson" papa said making my smile faltered a bit before putting back on a smile
" that's cute tbf" Chris said tryna lighten up the mood
"Yeh I just had to show u guys, cos the picture made my heart explode" I told them while I started walking upstairs just before I got to my room I heard talking so I stayed outside my room to hear the conversation
" really Mike, ik u don't like Y/N but he is our grandsons dad weather u like it or not" I heard mami say to my dad who just grunted in response before replying
"I just don't like the guy, something bout him just make him not tolerable, he is troubled he is not good enough for our daughter" he told my mom which made me clench my fist into a ball how dare he say that bout y/n
"He was abused when he was younger papa, he can't help it, can't u see he is trying his best, he is learning to be a great dad for Sean and he is doing great aswell why can't u just get along w him" Taylor said defending him which made me smile sadly
"I just can't, I mean I rather have Lauren date anyone else than Y/L/N, and I'm hating that my grandson have that asshole last name" papa said making me mad and storming to my room I ended up staying in my room for the rest off the night
Y/N Pov
When I got back in the house after picking up Sean, I walked into my house and what I didn't realise was my brother was here so I quickly covered my sons ears and here's why
"HOLY FUCK" I screamed looking so shocked but happy that my baby brother was here. "When did u get here Log?" I asked while I started uncovering my baby's ears
"5 mins ago I let myself in aha" he answered as he followed me to Sean's room as I was putting him to bed for a nap but he wasn't having any of it so we all went to my room and that's when Logan took a picture of me and Sean

Next day
Y/N pov
It's the next day, I woke up, had a shower, got ready l and started packing all of Sean things before he got up for the day once I did I went outside n put all of my sons belongings in the back of my car after I walked in I saw Logan and Sean up and about, all ready for the day
"I got Sean ready for u I hope u don't mind" Logan told me as I shook my head no meaning that I didn't mind
"U don't have to ask he is ur nephew I don't mind u helping me out" I replied him making him nod his head. "Anyways we have an hour left w him as I got some recordings to do, I also want to have a song w u, so I'm going to text Lauren to tell her that I'll be dropping Sean off to her and then we can finish off the album so I can let everyone know" I also said letting Logan know of the plans before letting my ex girlfriend know what would be happening
Y/N: hey, I'll be dropping Sean back to urs w in a hour as I've stuff to do aswell as Logan, I hope that okay
I put my phone back in my pocket as me and Logan spends our last hour w Sean after 15 mins later my phone buzzes letting me know that there are notifications I pick up my phone and saw that Lauren replied and that Elizabeth also messaged me
Lauren: that's okay thanks for letting me know
Y/N: no probs
Babe💚: morning my love hope ur all well and that ur having a good time w ur son and I hope to speak to u later I love u 🥰
Y/N: morning babe, I'm good hope u are too and I did I'm about to drop him back to his mothers in a bit, I'll speak to u later when I can only cos I'm busy today I love u too
Once an hour turned up, I picked up Sean and took him to my car and placed him in his baby car seat and I buckled him safely in before shutting the car door behind me I walked back in the house just to talk to Logan
"Ok I shouldn't be long, I'm gonna drop him off then drive straight back, we will have to go to a proper recording studio cos I haven't built a home studio yet" I told Logan as he nodded so I walked back out to the driver side, got myself in, and started driving to Lauren's
Once I got to Lauren's I went and got all of his stuff before picking up Sean and carrying him and his stuff to the door, I placed Sean stuff so I could knock of the Jaureguis door and once I did someone immediately opened the door
"I see u came?!" Someone said as I leaned down to get my sons stuff
"Yeh I came to drop my son off" I said as I looked up to see Mr Jauregui who wasn't pleased to see me, so he took all of Sean stuff off me and placed it down next to the door then gently picked up Sean from my arms then shut the door in my face I knew he didn't want me there so I got in my car n drove off as I was driving home there were paparazzi following me so I kept driving speeding up every now and then trying to get away from them, it got to the point where I was speeding to much so I tried to slow down but it was too late cos there were a big bang and a crash and before I could process what happened the world turned black

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