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Ugh, come on already!!

How long does it take!?

I'm gonna be late, dammit!!

(Y/n) tapped her fingers furiously to the desk, the wooden surface glossed over with opaque cover shaking at the thin core. Her nails gave a screech that would make you wince, and send that lightning bolt of discomfort across your shoulders, but as this point it washed over her and left nothing wet. Her teeth grazed each other, her jaw clicking under no fault of her own and the veins in her hands rolling side to side from the frustration driving them to fidget. Her lips frowned and were left dry from her angered breaths leaving them, choking the air.

Class was screwing her mind to a post, and she could have sworn she could feel individual cells from the cold way they ached from boredom and irritation rattling everywhere else. It had been the longest hour of her life, and too much was already burning her brain to a crisp to even concentrate. Her knees bent beneath the seat, and her elbows slid gently with tiredness. Her feet dug hard enough into the varnished tiles of the classroom floor to crush the entire school, her enragement crumbling out of the room and down the corridor she could already hear becoming crowded.

Her teacher had reached the last straw, that girl as sweet as a fresh strawberry and as pretty as a newborn rainbow from the beaming sun clashing with the tender drizzle of spring rainfall ready to be overpowered. Already she could feel that demon always brewing in her soul, fire behind those heavenly clouds prepared to massacre the angelic outer version of her and bring a devilish eclipse in and out. It was a strange trait that loomed over her like a ghostly curse since... she saw him for the first time. He made her thoughts run loose, and he left her distracted while tracing the high notes of the choir that played in her head whenever he entered her view.

He was the greatest of all blessings to ever have graced the face of the planet in her eyes, and her regular schedule let her catch a glimpse that left her drooling and high on loving adrenaline every day like clockwork. Today was different, unfortunately, her teacher still rambling until the words blurred into one and felt shredded to garbage through her ears. That bell had rung moments ago, but (Y/n) assumed that now meant nothing. It was fatuous, other manipulators on the groups of young people criticised for their intelligence and mannerisms from day to day in this hellhole using the mundane calling as a way for class to end in the highest fortune to the kids.

That wasn't happening now, and (Y/n)'s mind became frantic from the wait. Her body jittered, and she felt an odd shot of heat inject itself into her neck, spilling the burning sensation down her jawline and up into her skull. It made her head pound so loudly she couldn't even determine the words that were apparently so vital class couldn't be dismissed until a whole minute too late, but she could hear clearer than a gaze through solid glass the voices outside. She forced her brain to work overtime to put a face to each one, and her heart throbbed when a certain one appeared.

It was him. For sure. The smoothness of his irresistible tone played in her ears like liquid gold, and made her lips break apart in a familiar yearn to drink every last drop, the metal moulding around her heart to capture this audial masterpiece. (Y/n) felt like she was about to have an attack in said heart, and that particular voice gleamed brighter than any other in the after school commotion, as if it were a highlighter pen to blank paper. Exactly what her workbook possessed, her angelic side's responsibility, but right now her demonic counterpart wished to turn her body numb and stab her teacher with that very pen until he would let them leave. She thought crazy things like that all the time, and blamed them all on him.

Her body felt restless from the top to the bottom, her feet tapping the floor with enough aggression to knock out a professional boxer and her head making her brain feel like jelly. Her nails carved into the table, and their length allowed them to leave scrapes sharp enough to be legible when curved in the correct shapes to resemble the alphabet, her softer side thinking no more of the discovery while her inner conflict craved more. She zoned away from the frustration of the class bleeding deep enough into the end of school to continue until the next mandatory day, it seemed, keeping her ears wide awake for any more from him.

♡ 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐒 𝐱 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 ♡Where stories live. Discover now