3 - Jungkook going Busan

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Nobody knew Jungkook was in Busan because he looked different with long hair and was fully covered, so nobody recognized him. After resting at night, Jungkook got information about Jimin... all his background and current information, and he was damn curious to know why Jimin was using his name as his boyfriend and, more importantly, who will appear at the event.

In the morning

Jungkook reached the nearby cafe where Jimin normally goes to get his morning coffee according to his schedule, which Jungkook received. It's already a crowded area, and Jungkook bumps into a lot of people, and he sweats a lot. His guard tries to come for help, but he says no by hand gestures because he is in a crowded area. He doesn't let them guess his identity. And then he notices Jimin talking with someone, and Jungkook walks almost sprinting toward Jimin, and when Jungkook arrives, nobody is standing where previously Jimin standing he goes somewhere god knows where.

"Where the hell does he go?" enraged Jungkook, his forehead sweating as he talked to himself, and then someone bumped into him from behind...

"Are you deaf?" Jimin asked angrily to Jungkook.

"I keep saying excuse me, sir, excuse me, sir. What the hell are you thinking" Jimin asked while huffing. Jungkook was out of words when he saw Jimin talking with him. He never let anybody speak loudly in front of him. However, Jimin was scolding him. When Jungkook's guards saw that Jimin was misbehaving with Jungkook, they were about to come for help, but again, Jungkook stopped them.

"Umm, sorry. I am thinking of something" Jungkook said in a lower voice Jungkook's condition shows how sweaty he is, so Jimin offers him water.

"comes with me," Jimin said, and Jungkook followed him

At cafe

"Are you new here?" Jimin asked while looking at Jungkook. Jungkook said "yes" while looking at his surroundings. He was so disgusted with the cafe's condition. Then coffee arrived, and Jungkook watched Coffee and Jimin again.

"Don't worry, I will not ask for money. It's on me. You look so lost here ... So, as I am already living here, it's my duty to make you feel relaxed, so drink it. Do you want to eat something?" Jimin asked while looking at the menu.

"No, no coffee is fine," Jungkook said while starting to drink coffee ...

Jimin starts typing a message to Taehyung...

Jimin starts typing a message to Taehyung

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Jimin's Boyfriend Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now