5 - I like Jeon Jungkook Not you

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"Wow, just wow, you are doing everything so perfectly. I am so impressed" Jimin said with a big smile.

"If everything goes well, I will give you 100 dollars extra."

"Ohh, okay, that's great," Jungkook says while looking at himself in the mirror.

"Ohh, okay, that's great," Jungkook says while looking at himself in the mirror

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Jungkook returns after finishing a call.

"Ahaannnn girlfriend," Jimin says in a teasing tone.

"You forgot I am poor. How can I afford a girlfriend? Hmm," Jungkook says with a fake sad face.

"Oh yeah, but you're still attractive, and, more importantly, you look like Jungkook, so anyone could fall for you," Jimin said while sitting on the chair.

"Okay then, what about you?" Jungkook said while looking at Jimin through the mirror.

"Umm, what?" Jimin asked in confusion.

"You do not like someone?"

"Of course.. no no.. yes I mean no... it's not like he's my crush, you could say, so no."

"Oh, who's that special person?"

"Jungkook." Jimin smiled as he talk about Jungkook.

"Jungkook... Woh, that means me ...." Jungkook said, pointing to himself.

"No, you are his duplicate, not Jungkook... His personality, damn, I'm just curious who his girlfriend or boyfriend is, and I'm pretty sure he committed" Jimin said while being sad after thinking that maybe Jungkook is committed.

"Maybe he is not. How is this possible? Have you seen any of his photos with boys or girls?"

"Umm no..."

"Then how can you think that he is committed?"

"Yes, you are correct, but he has a high status, so why would he choose me? I will find another person... and we are talking about a serious topic like this... so for the moment, leave Jeon Jungkook's topic... I will arrange a car so we can both go together and behave like a couple, okay? Please save me this time, I will definitely give you a treat" Jimin pleaded with his eyes.

"Okay, sure, I will definitely behave like a couple," Jungkook says with a smirk...

"And don't worry, I will arrange a car for you..." Jungkook said with a smile.

"From where will you arrange?" Jimin inquired, puzzled,

"I will arrange it. Don't worry about from where" Jungkook said with a bunny smile."

"Okay, okay, so I will stand outside the cafe. Just come and pick me up. Then we will both go together"

"Okay, done..."


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Jimin's Boyfriend Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now