Keith should seek help

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Pidge was one of the smartest kids you'd ever meet, like reading college textbooks for fun smart. Stereotypical nerd smart. Well when Pidge was 15, they were called into the office where their mother was waiting. She got down to Pidge's level and explained in tears that she had been visited by a lieutenant in the military, who notified her that Pidge's brother Matt and their father's plane had been shot down while they were serving overseas, the only member of the flight found was dad who was horribly injured, Matt and Pidge's father were missing and presumed dead. Pidge broke down in that office and gave up on school for a long while, until one day they decided to work hard and to get into a top university because that's what their family would have wanted. They somehow graduated high school a year early and made it to MIT at only seventeen. Life seemed to be going well for the kid, but Pidge still hoped-no they knew that their family was still out there.

Keith sat at the table, surrounded by people he recognized, but didn't know. He took a sip of his water while eaves dropping on the conversation. Shiro and Adam were telling the others the antics the cats had gotten up too while they were away, but they never spoke of red, Keith's cat. Red mainly stayed in his room and slept, he was a hairless goblin of cat with personality to match. He didn't mind the exclusion after all the cat barely did anything, the only way you could tell it was still alive is that it slept in different spots and occasionally ate, and Keith was used to being forgotten anyways.

The food was good, he had missed Hunk's cooking. He missed all of them, he felt like such a dick for the way he treated his friends, and it hurt to see how close they had all gotten while he fell behind, alone.

Maybe he was just meant to be alone, alone was easy. Sure it was a lonely existence but it was a hell of a lot nicer then being hurt again. After all when you're all alone, you don't have to worry about being excluded.

The sound Lance's voice brought him back to reality "KEITH! hello??" He spoke loudly trying to get the boy's attention, Keith looked at Lance, surprised he cared enough to ask "Oh sorry" Lance took a sip of water "I was asking about Red, how's he doing?" Keith, who's never been good at conversation panicked a little "The same as always, being a lazy piece of shit" he said bluntly.

Shiro glared daggers at him, "Sorry that was rude" Keith mumbled "He just sleeps all the time" Pidge Laughed "That sounds like good ol' Red the raw chicken to me"

The rest of the meal was rather uneventful, Keith shut his mouth, he had little control over his tone and was horrible for being rude without meaning it. He's always been this way, always labeled a problem child, although he never did anything. It was a tone issue.

"This is why you don't have any friends" the words drifted through his head, "you're terrible and fucking horrible person" "maybe everyone would be happier if you'd died instead of your dad, after all people liked him" those thoughts crept in quickly, as they always did, it didn't matter how big or small the instance was. Accidentally saying "You too" to the waiter "Maybe it would be best if you never spoke again", Something bad happens to someone while in his presence "That was your fault, just like everything", he says the wrong thing at the wrong time "stupid, stupid, stupid". Every time he'd agree "I'm horrible, I'm unlikeable, I'm too loud, be quiet."

This had been everyday since his dad died, that's when everything had gotten worse. It started with a tone issue he had and some anger problems, but what child doesn't, they're just little balls of anger, but when his dad died he shit down and let his emotions control him. Instead of seeing something was wrong with this kid, they punished him, he was yelled at, thrown in detention, kicked out of things. He ended up dropping out of high school in sophomore year because of how much he hated it when the teachers would freak out at him for being "incorporative" and his peers called him a creep because he didn't understand how to control his tone or how to talk to people. What had started as a mischievous streak had lead him down a path of crime. Thanks a lot "support system".

He sat there silently until it was appropriate to leave, learning of Hunk's girlfriend Shay, how she was a geology major, about lances MANY exs, highlights include the girl who lived off cigarettes and monster energy but was really hot and funny apparently, the girl with the hoarding problem, and the guy with a bizarre and unhealthy obsession with all things Garfield (he described it as a Garfield nest disgusted as an apartment). The last one surprised Keith, not the Garfield thing we all have hobbies, but the male part. He never took Lance to be Bisexual,  he always seemed like the womanizer. Well to be fair Keith didn't exactly "look gay" so who even cares anymore.

The conversation shifted towards what the three of them had done together throughout the school year, deciding it was an appropriate time to leave to spare himself the pain of having to listen to what his friends did without him. He stood up silently, slid in his chair, and picked up his dishes and headed towards the patio door.

"Keith. Where are you going? We have company." Called Shiro from the table, "Inside." He said blankly. "Come on, Keith! just stay for a bit join the conversation." Pidge pleaded. "I don't want to" He retorted "YEAH come on Keith! You don't even have to talk if you want" Hunk joined in, Keith felt himself grow frustrated, his grip tightened on the plate "I am not interested." He mumbled. "Yeah Hunk and Pidge are totally right. You should stay, we haven't seen you in forever and all you want to do is leave? I mean that's kind of a dick move there buddy." Lance smirked. Keith lost it "WELL MAYBE I DONT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT HOW GREAT YOUR LIVES ARE GOING! CONGRATS TO ALL OF YOU ON GETTING INTO THE SAME UNIVERSITY, CONGRATULATIONS YOU'RE ALL FRIENDS, CONGRATULATIONS YOU'RE ALL BETTER OFF WITHOUT ME. SO STOP RUBBING IT ALL IN MY FACE OKAY!? JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE." He turned his back and slammed the screen door so hard he was afraid it would crack, Shiro and Adam were going to let him have it later, but he didn't care. He couldn't be seen right now.

He threw his dishes in the sink and ran upstairs. Unable to make it to his room before the tears started flowing. What had he just done.

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