𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒊. Return To Kings Landing

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"Mother, Mama, Father, when will be there?" Aemma whined tiredly between Luke and Joffrey. Baela had tried to entertain her step-sister by reading a book.

Rhaegar had leaned against his mother eating apple slices. Roman would often steal a slice making him pout. His brother would just respond with a smirk and ruffle his silver locks making him giggle.

"Soon my storm," Clarisse said, trying to coax her daughter to be quiet seeing as Aegon III was asleep in her arms.

Aemma went beside Daemon who luckily caught her before she could fall. He placed her on his lap and showed her the window. Her green eyes sparkled with curiosity.

Xander was leaning against Rhaenyra watching his sister with a smile.

When they arrived at the gates of King's Landing they didn't expect such a greeting.

Ser Steffon announced their arrival. "All hail Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone and Heir to the Iron Throne, and her royal consorts Prince Daemon and Princess Clarisse Strong.

Clarisse helped her wife step down from the carriage but didn't take her eyes away from the place she spent the majority of her life growing up.

"Welcome back, Princess'" Lord Caswell greeted, he was the only one there for their arrival.

"I would say it's nice to be home, but I scarcely recognize it,"

"Mm." Daemon eyed his surroundings.

Clarisse had been quiet the whole time making her partners worry. She hadn't written to her sister in those years. After all, their last encounter was when she nearly tried to take Luke's eye but instead, she stood in the way protecting her family.

All the children were taken to their rooms to rest after a long day on the sea.

They were here peacefully to assure Luke's succession to the Driftwood Throne.

Once the children were settled, Rhaenyra, Daemon, and Clarisse immediately left for Visery's chambers.

Clarisse held her husband and wife's hands knowing that this must be hard for them.

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