Reigen Arataka (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons) (Mob Psycho 100)

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Warnings: Emotional Manipulation, Toxic Mindsets.


Reigen seeks to impress and dazzle his friend through the use of clever words and shows of skill. His execution of this dream leaves much to be desired, for it often boils down to Reigen regurgitating something he read on the internet and boasting about past exorcisms where Mob did all the work.

He can be rather pedantic as he details a false history of exorcisms and introduces himself as the leading superstar in his field. Reigen lies about his qualifications for assisting his friend with any of their problems, telling half-truths about a time when he faced a similar issue and acting like he has everything under control when everything is going wrong.

Reigen tries to convince his friend to quit their job and come work for him in the paranormal trade. The pay is low, and there are few, if any, benefits. However, Reigen claims that the pleasure of his company and the joy of helping others will be more than satisfactory.

If his friend voices doubt about his abilities, Reigen assures them that he operates on such a high level that he only seems powerless to confuse evil spirits. Mob corroborates his story, but Reigen panics and asks Mob to let him borrow some psychic powers if his friend turns out to be an esper.

He fakes an injury to pull his friend away from another person and get them to focus on him. When the other person goes to speak again, they are blamed for the supposed injury and stuck with the medical bills. Reigen whips out his telephone and pretends to be a celebrity in distress to urge the person to leave quietly.

Once they go in despair or shame, Reigen seizes the moment and begins an unprompted discussion of his achievements, many of which are stolen from popular media and other people. He is miraculously healed as soon as the area is devoid of everyone but himself and his friend, and he recommends heading back to his office and sharing a cup of tea for the rest of the day.

Mob watches as Reigen chases after his friend with claims that they need to be in constant contact with him to stay safe from evil spirits and wonders if this is how friendship is meant to look. Reigen does little to help this misconception, as he instructs Mob to be on the lookout for any bad energy around his friend.


Reigen never wastes an opportunity to grandstand in front of clients, and he is forever after the business of his partner. Their private life, their dietary preferences, their stance on social matters-Reigen acts as if he knows all about it from the start when, in reality, he infers bits and pieces of it from each interaction.

When Reigen notices that his partner is spending lots of time with someone else, he is not about to start a fistfight like a banchō or deal out threats like poker cards. Reigen is generally a violence-averse soul, so he opts for interrupting the next conversation and pretending to be an expert on whatever the topic is.

He spouts factoids and trivia that he cobbled together, all in the name of throwing shade at the other person. Reigen denies any knowledge of this goal and claims that he is merely a purveyor of information.

While Dimple is calling his bluff and accusing him of being desperate, Reigen struggles to keep a straight face and resumes talking until the other person is driven away. Should his partner be able to hear Dimple, Reigen dismisses his comments as jokes and swats at Dimple to shut up.

If his partner ever comes to him with paranormal troubles, Reigen drops everything and throws several discounts and special offers at them to ensure that they leave his office with a good opinion of him. He has Mob on speed dial in case an evil spirit decides to show its face, but in the meantime, Reigen proposes a massage.

Reigen will likely lie and say that the alleged spirit is either too powerful for one treatment to exorcise it or too elusive to reveal itself in full yet. Either way, his partner is encouraged to return to the Spirits and Such Consultation Office for follow-up visits.

He thinks he is the epitome of smooth when he suggests that eating ramen together at a restaurant is a smart way to draw the spirit into the open. This evolves into Reigen declaring that he must explore his partner's home in search of cursed items, and if his request is rejected, he makes the counteroffer to escort them throughout their day as a spiritual bodyguard.

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