Luke Castellan (Platonic Headcanons) (Percy Jackson)

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Warnings: Death, Violence, Kidnapping, Psychological Manipulation, Toxic Mindsets.

Artwork: Viktoria Ridzel.


Every time his friend comes to him with complaints about another camper harassing or bullying them, Luke listens and takes note of the name so he can intimidate the camper later. Even if the complaints are not a call to action, that is how Luke chooses to interpret them.

His way of exacting revenge is to make the camper his next sparring partner. Many of the half-bloods gather to watch his swordplay, and Luke disguises his agenda as a lesson in how to parry and disarm one's opponent.

The camper has no hope of winning when faced with a vengeful and driven Luke. He rips the weapon out of their hands before they have a proper chance to defend themselves and shoulder-charges them into the dirt.

Depending on the severity of the transgression and how upset it made his friend, Luke will do this again and again until the camper is bruised and exhausted.

If anyone has the mind to question his apparent hostility, it is dismissed as Luke adding a touch of realism to the training session to better prepare everyone for how unforgiving the monsters will be.

Should his friend be there to witness his triumph, Luke teases them about enjoying the sight of the camper getting bested. Regardless of whether this is true or not, Luke believes he has done his friend a service and takes pride in the fact that the camper is most likely afraid of him now.

It does not take long for Kronos to catch wind of the relationship, what with Luke dreaming of his friend most nights. Kronos seizes the opportunity to lead Luke further astray and perverts these dreams into nightmares about his friend dying.

Their death is always the result of negligence by the gods, such as his friend falling under attack by monsters and making a prayer for help that goes unanswered. The lighter nightmares are of his friend rotting alone in the Hermes cabin, abandoned and forever unclaimed by their godly parent.

Luke descends into paranoia and hatred for whoever his friend's godly parent is, devoting what little time he spends away from his friend to stewing over imagined threats to their life. He views his mission as bringing them salvation and delivering them from the uncaring grasp of the gods.

Anytime his friend is presented with a quest or the offer to join one, Luke takes on a bitter attitude and states that the gods deserve no favours from them. He has no qualms about sticking mortals with Backbiter if they come across any humans who treat his friend badly.

Coming back from a quest dead or with injuries is certain to get someone else killed. Luke blames the other members of the quest for, in his eyes, failing to protect his friend. He holds a grudge against these people that spans years, and he makes sure they catch the tip of Backbiter one day.

Once he ditches Camp Half-Blood, Luke hounds his friend to hop aboard the ship Princess Andromeda and embrace Kronos' revolution. He promises the coming of a paradise where they no longer need to waste their life waiting for the right god to acknowledge them.

He refuses to take no for an answer, convincing himself that rejection only means someone has corrupted their perception of him and lied to them about his goal. Luke sends monsters to correct this wrong by abducting his friend and attacking anyone who goes to intervene.

Percy sees this order in a dream and warns Luke's friend not to leave the camp for any reason. The poisoning of Thalia's pine tree makes this a bit of a moot point, as monsters begin to slip through the cracks in the barrier and wage various kidnapping attempts.

Kronos grows wise about how this conflict is distracting Luke, so he starts to assault Luke's friend with nightmares about betrayal and their gruesome death. Kronos aims to turn them against the gods and Camp Half-Blood so that they will come running to his side, allowing Luke to focus on the task at hand.

Luke is careful to instruct the monsters on Kronos' payroll that his friend must not be harmed. If they are brought before him battered and bloodied, Luke erupts in rage and tries his hardest to have the monster responsible executed.

He forges a story in which they have proven to be a useful war asset to shield them from Kronos, and Kronos, noticing how much Luke's sanity rides on their life, dangles the threat of a fate worse than death for them if Luke fails to uphold the cause.

If his friend does convert to Kronos' side or at least pretends to convert, Luke considers them his new family and taunts anyone who would persuade them otherwise. Lying to Luke is a tricky gamble because Kronos will suspect the deception and whisper it in Luke's ear until Luke wonders if Kronos is onto something.

When doubt creeps in and Luke finds his loyalty to Kronos wavering, he seeks out his friend and begs them to flee with him. He speaks of leaving both the gods and Kronos behind in favour of being on the lam with no one but each other.

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