Grizzly "Grizz" Bear (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons)

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Warnings: Clingy Behaviour, Toxic Mindsets.

A.N. - Artwork by Louie Zong and Lauren Sassen.



Grizz is not the type of bear who deliberately creates problems -- although his clumsiness and eagerness to be seen as useful presents a host of obstacles to this goal -- but he does try to settle the tiniest conflicts with disproportionate haste. The bear judges his value by how helpful to others he perceives himself to be, and any refusal of his assistance is interpreted as a declaration of his futility. Instead of anger or sadness-induced lethargy, Grizz reacts with a stronger determination to prove that he is worth keeping around and begins remodelling parts of his friend's life without asking.

To be a source of admiration is his dream, for he believes that granting himself a bigger role in their day until a dependence on him is established will guarantee their friendship. Interactions that never seem to end and lasting conversations about everything from their hobbies to the escapades of his brothers are a manifestation of Grizz's doubts about the certainty of the connection. A lack of intimacy as a cub has sowed the impression that he must assert his worth at every opportunity or else be disregarded, pushing him to express the most competent version of himself at all times for fear that exposing any shortcomings is a recipe for abandonment.


Grizz tends to magnify passive complaints into a cry for help and leap to great lengths of affection when his partner exhibits behaviour that can be recognized as distress. Mutual opinions on trivial subjects are the onset of an unbreakable bond, and the bear is quick to search for evidence of the apparent chemistry in outings to the city and visits to the forest. No more than a few hours pass between each invitation to spend time with him, causing some discomfort among his brothers when Grizz struggles to include his partner, who he treats like a lifelong companion shortly after meeting them, in every aspect of his day.

As a further expression of his need for a complete family, Grizz voices his dream of his partner befriending his brothers and attempts to achieve it with overwhelming persistence. He persuades them to frequent the cave by offering free snacks and entertainment, including access to Panda's film library and gourmet meals courtesy of Ice Bear. Behind-the-scenes information on his Crowbar Jones franchise is a recurring topic, and Grizz implores them to accept a supporting role because he regards the series as one of the greatest accomplishments of his life and wants his partner to reciprocate his enthusiasm.

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