Queen Tyr'ahnee (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons)

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Warnings: Authoritarian Behaviour, Mentions of Death, Mentions of War, Toxic Mindsets.

A.N. - Make way for the Queen of Mars.



Unconditional trust. Tyr'ahnee has the utmost faith in her friend and will argue their integrity with any foe, deflecting each complaint against them by denouncing the accuser. She shares the weight of her crown and discusses the folly of Mars' opponents with them, seeking their counsel for military decisions and reminiscing about past triumphs on the battlefield.

No matter how daunting the mission, Tyr'ahnee recommends that her friend participate. The gift of war is unparalleled in the minds of Martians, and receiving permission to head an assault is seen as a privilege of which few are worthy. Victory is rewarded with promotions and celebrations of valour, while the commander is blamed for any defeat.

An unspoken message circulates in the ranks of the Martian Armada that the life of the queen's friend outweighs theirs. Troops lay down their lives and generals sacrifice whole battalions to ensure that they return unscathed, for Tyr'ahnee considers her friend an infallible warrior and will shun anyone who fails to defend them.


Fiercely protective. The queen has a code of law she expects every Martian to obey when it concerns her partner, and any failure to do so is punished with imprisonment or death. Rejecting this standard, even in the form of a transgression as simple as refusing to address her partner by the proper title, is interpreted not only as blasphemy but also as a challenge to Tyr'ahnee's supremacy.

All danger to their health draws condemnation from the queen, and critics are met with threats of public execution. Every citizen of Mars knows allowing harm to befall her partner is a death sentence, leading to a party of Centurions escorting them throughout the Red Planet. Tyr'ahnee will castigate anyone who thinks themselves above this altruistic dogma.

The relationship is pronounced for all the galaxy to marvel. The queen commissions poetry to be recited after each victory and sculptures to be erected in the ruins of Mars' enemies, commemorating their union with acts of violence and declarations of war.

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