Take Form

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It had been a couple of days since Rimuru decided to bless Raphael, or should we say, Ciel  with a name. She still stays inside of Rimuru, but can come out any time with a human form. Although her human form looks like Rimuru, you can tell the difference between them, since Ciel has red eyes, while Rimuru has gold eyes.


The sun was rising, and Rimuru had just started to open their eyes when they heard a familiar voice. < You're finally awake. I sense there is a strong magical aura headed this way. Please be careful, Master. > "I see.. maybe that aura is Milim. You never know." Ciel nodded, even though Rimuru couldn't see her. < Do you mind if I take my human form for a bit, Master? > "No, I don't mind." Ciel was happy. To Rimuru's side, there was black mist forming, to reveal Ciel. "Hello, Ciel!" Rimuru hugged her. "Hello." Rimuru pulled away. "I believe Shion is making breakfast, would you like to come downstairs with me?" She nodded. Only Rimuru had seen her human form, so this was obviously exciting since she wanted to show off her human form. I mean, she did look cool after all.

They encountered Shuna on their way to the kitchen, who was also getting ready to eat. "Oh, good morning Rimuru! And..." Rimuru looked at Shuna. "This is Ciel in her human form." Shuna looked a little bit surprised, but nodded. "Good to meet you!" Ciel just nodded in response. They were finally in the kitchen after what felt like hours of walking down those endless stairs. "Good morning everyone!" Shion waved at them, with Rimuru & Shuna waving back. Ciel just looked at Shion. "Rimuru! Did you finally get Ciel to take a human form?" Rimuru nodded at her. "Yeah!" Shion picked up Ciel and spun her around. "Nice to meet you, Ciel." Shion smiled at Ciel. "You too.."

As they all sat down, expecting to eat some horrible tasting pancakes, Ciel looked like she had sparkles in her eyes. "These are really good!" Everyone looked at her, surprised. "You.. you find Shion's cooking... good?!" Ciel was eating the pancakes very quickly, while everyone just looked surprised. "I'm.. how?! Everyone always says my cooking is terrible! You actually like it?!" Ciel nodded, and Shion picked her up. "Okay, it's official, you're the best, Ciel!" Shion accidentally dropped Ciel and she fell to the ground, bonking her head. "Ow." Shion quickly picked her back up. "Sorry! Everyone, I'm stealing Ciel! You can't have her! Muahahahaha-" Shion was already out of the room. "Erm.. well then." Rimuru was so shocked, they couldn't even speak. "Oh. Well that happened.."


After the chaos that was considered breakfast, everyone went out to do their own things. Shuna was making clothes for the children, Shion was with Ciel, and Rimuru was doing work. Rimuru sighed. "I wonder if Shion is ever gonna let Ciel go.." they muttered under their breath. "Ah! I know just the trick." They quickly got up from their seat and knocked on Shion's door. "Come in!" Rimuru then opened the door, to see Ciel in Shion's lap. "I'm doing her hair right now." Wait.. Shion can do.. hair?! "Okay, yeah, great, Tell me when you're done with that." Shion nodded. "Have a good day, Lord Rimuru!" They smiled. Hehe. I'll take Ciel back by draining my Magicules. Then Shion won't be attached to her by the hip!

Rimuru was getting ready to leave, but Shuna came up to them. "Lord Rimuru, Shion is just gushing over Ciel so much right now. I was wondering if you're going to try and get her back..?" Rimuru nodded. "Yep! I'm about to go name a bunch of monsters in the forest! That way Ciel will be forced to go back inside of my head. I need magicules to make her human form, so if I drain my magicules I can get her back!" Shuna looked like she had stars in her eyes. "Okay, have fun and don't get hurt Lord Rimuru." Rimuru smiled at her. Shuna smiled back. Alright, let's see if this works. Hehe.



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