Deep Connection

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It had quieted down in Shion's office after the encounter with Rimuru, but Shion still decided to do Ciel's hair. "Ciel, your hair is really soft. Since the body you have technically looks like Rimuru, do you think that Rimuru's hair is as soft as yours?" Ciel silently nodded. "We share the same features, other than eye color, personality, and voice. So, yes, Rimuru has hair as soft as mine." Shion looked like she had sparkles in her eyes. "Oh, really? Can you get them to let me do their hair? Pretty please?" Ciel sighed. Rimuru would probably refuse, but if they saw how well Shion could do Ciel's hair, then maybe they'd say yes. "Maybe. It's not a guaranteed yes, but I will try my best to convince them." Shion then smiled down at Ciel. "Thank you so much, Ciel!" Ciel smiled back.

It had been a little bit since Rimuru decided to head into the forest, and everyone was worried about them. "Do you know when Rimuru will come back, Ciel?" Shuna questioned. She was worried about Rimuru's safety, and maybe Ciel could help her. Everyone was patiently waiting for Ciel's answer, when Shuna looked like she was about to cry. "I can estimate. Although, it won't be..." "Be what?" Ciel's eyes started to close. "Rimuru has used up most of their magicules. I'm sorry but I won't be able to stay in this form for much longer." Shuna sat down along with Shion. "Was this their plan from the start?" Shuna shrugged. "I don't know." Shuna wanted to keep Rimuru's plan a secret, since ratting them out would mean an angry Shion. And nobody wanted to experience that. "Well, hopefully they return soon." Shuna nodded. "See you guys later, I hope." Black mist surrounded Ciel's body and once it was gone, she wasn't there anymore.


Yes. I think it worked, hehe. Rimuru thought to themselves. << Notice. User Rimuru Tempest does not have enough magicules to operate, going into sleep mode.. >> Ah shit. Rimuru was then in their slime form and was asleep. << Notice. Asking for help from friends close to user Rimuru Tempest. Sending signal... >> Ciel was trying her best to get someone to where they were, so Rimuru could be taken back to town. But nobody had shown up yet.

"Shuna, I'm getting a signal from Ciel. She's asking for help in the forest." Shuna nodded. "Alright then, let's head out." Shuna and Shion left the others to guard Tempest, while they went out to search the forest for Rimuru. "Shion, I think that's them." Shion nodded. "Well what are we waiting for, let's go." They ran over to Rimuru in their slime form and picked them up. "We'll have to take them back, let's go quickly. The forest is dangerous." Shuna nodded.

As they were headed back, Rimuru's eyes started to open. After they knew it, Rimuru was in their human form. "You're awake. Finally!" Shion was carrying Rimuru. Just like how you'd carry a bride. "I guess so. Ciel, what happened back there again? I can't remember." << Hmph. >> Did I seriously make Ciel angry?!  Rimuru thought to themselves. << You used up most of your magicules to bring me back to you. >> Rimuru looked surprised. "Ohhhh. Now I remember!" Shuna smiled. "Well, we're glad you're back Lord Rimuru." Rimuru smiled back. "Me too."


After Rimuru and the others headed back to town, Rimuru had to rest since most of their magicules were used up. But, there were still some left so Ciel could use her human form. Black mist appeared beside Rimuru and Ciel took on her human form. "Ciel?" Rimuru looked at her. "Is anything wrong?" Ciel shook her head. "I'd just like to be beside you while you rest." Rimuru was confused. "Don't you already do that since you're technically inside of me?" Ciel sighed. "I guess. But this feels better. Please?" Hmm.. I guess I can allow it. "Okay, fine." Ciel smiled and sat down beside Rimuru. "I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight." "Goodnight." Rimuru drifted off to sleep very quickly. I feel very warm whenever I'm around Rimuru. What is this feeling called? I'll ask Shion, maybe she can help. Ciel got off the bed carefully, making sure to not disturb Rimuru.

Knock knock knock. Ciel knocked on Shion's door a bit. "Come in!" Ciel then carefully opened the door to not make too much sound. "Oh, Ciel! What do you need help with?" Ciel walked over to Shion and sat down beside her. "I don't know what this feeling is called that I'm feeling. Could you maybe help me..?" Even thought Ciel had emotions now, she didn't really ever experience love, so that's why she didn't know what it was. "Of course. What's on your mind, Ciel?" She sighed. "Well, whenever I'm around Rimuru, I feel a little warm. And my heart feels a bit fuzzy, and it also feels like I have butterflies in my stomach." "Hmmm.. oh! I think I know." Shion turned to Ciel and spoke. "What you're experiencing is called 'love'. It's where you like someone a lot, and feel as if you have a greater connection with them than anyone else." Is this what I've been experiencing this whole time..? "Okay, great. Thanks Shion." Shion waved as Ciel got up. "Make sure to tell me what Rimuru says when you confess!" Wait. What? Huh? "I- Okay." Ciel waved back at Shion.

Ciel walked back to Rimuru's room very carefully, so she didn't disturb their sleep. She then sat on the bed and soon drifted off to sleep, while deep in thought. So.. I guess I love Rimuru so much, more than anyone else? Like I have a deeper connection with them more than anybody else? I assume that's a natural thing for people.. but I've never experienced this feeling before. I will tell them about it tomorrow, when I'm awake.. After that, Ciel drifted off to sleep.

But what will she tell Rimuru? And how will she confess?



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