It's Tough

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Author Note: I'm finally able to write some more. Hopefully I'm able to get this chapter published the day I start writing, please don't rush me to make more chapters though as I still don't feel too good..


Commotion, commotion, commotion.. all Rimuru could think about is how everyone was staring at them. It seemed like they did something wrong.. like murder someone?! No, no, that couldn't be it.. Maybe someone knew what happened between them and Ciel the other night. That could've been it.. Rimuru had to find out what had been going on! Ah, I know. I'll go to the hot springs to cool off. Maybe that will help calm me down, it always does. Rimuru thought to themselves as they walked off.


"We didn't even kiss damnit, so why is everyone looking at me like that?" They muttered under their breath. Rimuru was chilling in the hot springs by themselves, since nobody else was there. They liked to chill in the hot springs when they were angry or sad, and this was the perfect time. "Lord Rimuru! What are you doing here alone?!" A voice was heard in the distance. It sounded like Lady Shuna's voice. "Nothing.. just chilling, what do you need?" Shuna walked over to where Rimuru was and got into the hot water with them. "I just wanted to make sure you were alright. There's a rumor going around that you and Ciel are dating, is that true my lord?" Ehhh?! So someone was spying on me and Ciel! Rimuru thought. "Well, don't share this with anyone, but yes, we are. Something wrong with it?" Shuna nodded her head. "No, no, nothing wrong with it. I think you guys are cute together. You should let me make you matching cl-" "Nuh uh. Not happening." Shuna had puppy dog eyes. "Don't give me that look! That won't work on me!" Rimuru sighed as they got out. "Have a good night, my lord.." Rimuru waved back at Shuna as they walked away.

Well, that totally didn't help. I don't want to talk to anyone today, maybe I can talk to Ciel, but that's all. "I don't feel so goo-" Rimuru then passed out on the floor, with Ciel rushing to their side. "Rimuru? Rimuru! Are you there?!" Ciel cried out. "Here, have this.." Ciel then put a healing potion on Rimuru. "What am I doing here..?" Rimuru woke up a second later. "You passed out on the floor. Thankfully, I was coming to talk to you so I noticed right away." Rimuru sighed in relief. "Wait, you wanted to talk to me?" Ciel nodded in response to the question. "Yeah. About the rumors going around. Do you mind telling me how this happened?" Rimuru looked at Ciel. "I honestly don't know. I mean, I'm okay with everyone knowing but I didn't even tell anyone. I'm thinking someone was spying on us." Ciel nodded. "I think so too. But, you should get some rest. You don't look too good." Rimuru was then picked up by Ciel and taken to their room. "Since when could you pick me up?!"


It hadn't been long since Rimuru fell face first into the floor and passed out. And now, they were trying to sleep, but couldn't. "Ugh. This sucks, I can't fall asleep at all." Rimuru was trying their absolute best to fall asleep, but there was no use. So they got up out of bed, and walked downstairs. "What time even is it..?"  They looked at the clock. "Oh. It's only 11pm."  It wasn't too late, well, in Rimuru's standards 11pm isn't too late. "Lord Rimuru! You're awake?" Ah, is that Shion?  Rimuru turned around and yup, it was Shion. "Mhm. I couldn't fall asleep, so I came down here. Need anything?" Shion nodded her head no. "Was just wondering why you were awake, that's all. Have a good night, I'm going to sleep!" Shion waved at Rimuru and they waved back at her. I'm a little hungry, so I'll get some food. Rimuru walked into the kitchen and grabbed some snacks, then head back to their room. I don't know why, but it feels.. good eating something this late. Maybe I was just hungry. I think I was just hungry. Whatever.  After a while of eating some snacks, they finally managed to fall asleep.


Ending Note

Thank you all for the support on this fic, I've never really written fics so give me some suggestions! Am I writing good, or bad? Please let me know! And have a great day <3



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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