True Love

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Author's Note: After this chapter, don't expect many updates since I'm starting back school. I will try to update as much as I can, but school may get in the way. Enjoy!


The sun was rising and Rimuru started to open their eyes. Next to them was Ciel, who was deep in sleep. Bonk. Rimuru hit Ciel's head softly to see if she would wake up. "Ow-" "Good morning sleepy head!" Rimuru wrapped Ciel in a hug. "Morning.." Ciel then remembered what she wanted to tell Rimuru, but that could wait until later since Rimuru had things to do that day. "Well, I'll be heading out soon." Ciel nodded, getting up from the bed. "I'm going to go visit Shion." Rimuru smiled. "You really like her, don't you?" Ciel smiled back at them. "Yup. Alright, bye!" Rimuru waved at her.

Ciel knocked on Shion's door to her room. Knock knock knock. "Come in!" Ciel opened the door and smiled at her. "Ciel! Good morning!" Shion hugged her. "Will I ever get a break from receiving hugs?" Shion pulled back. "Ah, sorry. Anyway, when will you tell Rimuru?" Ciel shrugged. "I don't know, that's why I came to you for help." "Of course I can help you! They're apparently going to meet up with Milim, since Rimuru hasn't talked to her in a little while. Maybe after that, you two can.. go on a date! " Ciel nodded. "I like that idea. It's perfect! Thanks, Shion!" Shion smiled at her. "No problem, you can head over to Shuna's room to get the perfect set of clothes!" "Thank you, bye!" Shion waved at her.

Ciel went over to Shuna's room and knocked. Knock knock knock. "Come in." Shuna was sitting in her chair making some new clothes. "Ah, good morning Ciel." Ciel waved at her. "Good morning. I need some clothes that will fit me, do you think you have any?" "Hmmm..." Shuna looked at her pile of clothes that she had made for Rimuru, though, Rimuru never wore them.. "Since your body is the same as Rimuru's, all of these clothes will fit you." Shuna then pointed to the pile of clothes, and gosh there were a lot of clothes. "Really? Thank you! But, I'll need you to pick a good outfit for... a date." Shuna gasped at that. "You? On a date?! You should've told me!" Eheh... "Well, I told Shion and she told me to go to you to get a nice outfit." Shuna nodded. "I see, I see. Well, here's something that might look good on you." Shuna then handed the outfit to Ciel. "Thanks, Shuna! I'll go try it on!" Ciel then headed to the restroom to try the outfit on. Wow.. I look amazing! Ciel looked at herself in the mirror and spoke under her breath. 'I hope Rimuru likes it.' She then headed back to Shuna's room to show off her outfit. "Ta-da!" Shuna gasped. "It looks very good on you!" Ciel smiled at that statement. "Well, I'll be off now. Bye, and thank you Shuna!" Shuna waved at her.


Rimuru had arranged Milim to meet up with them at a café in Tempest. Rimuru waited for Milim at the café they arranged to meet at, when Rimuru heard the door opening. "Hello, hello, it is I! Demon Lord Milim!" Eh... okay then. "Milim! Over here!" Rimuru waved her over to the table that they were sitting at. "Rimuru! We haven't spoken in a bit! How are you?" Rimuru smiled at her. "I've been good, you?" The waitress then came over to their table. "Hello! What may I get for you today?" Hmm.. there is a lot of stuff on this menu. "I'll just have a latte." The waitress smiled. "Me too! Me too!" Oh. "Alright, your drinks will be out in a few minutes!" Rimuru smiled at the waitress. "Anyway, back to our conversation. I've been really good." "That's good." The waitress came back to the table with their drinks. "Thank you!" Rimuru smiled. "Have a nice day!" The waitress smiled back.

At the end of the day, Milim had to leave Tempest. Rimuru was sad to see her go, but it was nice to talk with her after not speaking with her for quite a bit of time. Rimuru felt a presence behind themselves. "Rimuru, did you enjoy your day with Milim?" Aah! Oh, it's just Ciel. "I did. Do you need anything, Ciel?" "I want to go somewhere with you. Anywhere you want to go." Rimuru looked kind of surprised, but nodded. "How about we go chill under the tree on the hill?" Ciel nodded. As they were walking to the hill, the people on the street looked a little bit confused. I mean, who wouldn't be confused when they see Rimuru with someone who looked like their doppelganger?

"The breeze up here is very nice, don't you think?" Ciel just looked up at the stars. The stars are so pretty tonight. I wish I could see them up close. "It is. I was just admiring the stars, though." Rimuru smiled. "Ciel, is there anything you want to tell me? You asked me out of the blue to go somewhere. This almost feels like a.. date." Ciel looked a bit surprised. "Well, I do have something to tell you." Hm? What does she want to tell me?  "Rimuru, I like you. No, I love you. You've always been by my side and ever since you named me, I felt warm around you." Rimuru was shocked. Well, I can't hide my feelings any longer. "Ciel, I.. I like you too." Ciel looked a little but surprised. Oh, they like me too. That's great. "Would you like to be my partner, Ciel?" She nodded. Uh, hello? Of course I want to. "Yes." Rimuru smiled at that response.



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