Chapter 1

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"Where in the seven hells is Visenya?" Visenya's mother sounded exhausted while her father, Visenya's grandsire, chuckled. "I remember saying the same thing about you a number of times. Let the girl be." Her Gransire, the King always had a special place in his heart for Visenya who looked the image of his first love. "You know the girl is wild and willful; she will be present in due time." He tried to ease his daughter's worries.

Visenya was known to want to do things her way, although she was a model princess she behaved with the courtesy expected of court ladies. No one would ever think the girl was the Blood of Dragon like her mother and her mothers uncle.

Visenya ran into the Queen's chambers out of breath before Ser Criston Cole was able to finish announcing her. "Where have you?" The princess didn't need to finish questioning her daughter when she saw the dirt all over her and the young prince Aemond. The only two children without bounded dragons.

The Queen Alicent took the boy out of earshot over to where her own daughter the Princess Helaena awaited Visenya to comfort the distressed boy. "You know better." Rhaenyra confronted her daughter while making a fuss of the dirt and scratches covering her. "You cannot force a bond on a dragon, it will come in due time." Visenya looked anywhere but at her mother.

Visenya always felt ashamed about not having a dragon, her brothers, the prince Aegon and her cousin Lady Baela all had dragons that had hatched with them. It was just herself, her uncle Aemond and her cousin Rhaena that lucked out and were unable to form a bond. How could they be a part of the house of dragon with no dragon?

At least she wasn't picked on like her por uncle Aemond, she was already deep within the dragonpit when she heard of the prank pulled on him, it was cruel, likely the plan of Aegon who pulled her brothers into it. They should've known better seeing her struggles.

"You will claim a dragon when the time is right not before, who knows an egg may hatch or one may even fly over hidden in old Valyria itself." Visenya's mother tried time and time again to ease her fears but nothing ever could.

Nothing except for a dragon.

"You wouldn't feel this sadness if you were where you were meant to be." Her mother chastised her in a low voice so no others would hear. Rhaenyra loved her children, but she also needed them to behave, the Queen would take any misstep as an insult and any reason to spread lies about the family.

Visenya, a girl of 8 namedays knew that her brothers did not have the same father as she, she was not blind. She also heard the whispers of court gossip, none daring to speak it loud enough for the king to hear. She also knew that the Queen hated her mother and brothers.

Queen Alicent tolerated Visenya because there was no proof of if she was the daughter of Laenor Velayron, her mothers husband or of prince Daemon. Everyone knew that whenever the prince and his wife Lady Laena were on a visit from pentose princess Rhaenyra spent time with them flying on dragon back. And others say that the three also warmed beds together while laenor took his pleasure elsewhere.

Visenya in her hopes to claim a dragon was late for her lesson with Helaena the septa would scold her for the rest of her days for this, her needlework was sloppy at best. It was commanded by the King in his dreams to have the family united, while all children shared wetnurses his hopes to form bonds he required the young princes to train together and the princess to do daily activities.

Although it was always on the Queens terms, Visenya always had to make her way to the Queens chambers, always had to wait to be summoned, which did not sit right with Visennya who wanted to live by her own rules. Visenya did enjoy Helaenas company though the princess was kind, if not a little odd with her love for bugs and always speaking in riddles.

This was one of the rare times Visenya's grandsire was in the Queens chambers. The King looked absolutely gleeful Visenya noted while her mother looked worried at what news the king might share.

Queen Alicent was furious, but with only two allies at court she could not voice it. The girl was to be the king's new cupbearer, bypassing the king's own sons. While she knew this was bound to happen, Visersy always favoured Rhaenyra and her children, with the girl looking like the late Queen Aemma she always knew the girl would never have to lift a finger. It was still an unforgivable slight towards her own sons.

Sometimes the Queen questioned why the King even married her if he never meant to name their son heir or acknowledge their shared children. He was gentle with Haleana but that could be due to the fact that she was often meant to be with Visenya. Alicent knew that the king had the girl read to him at night, called her Aemma a number of times even telling Rhaenyra to change her own daughter's name, he claims it was in jest but Alicent knew the truth.

Rhaenyra was retiring to Dragonstone, Alicent thought she'd be free of the retcheded family who knew nothing of duty and used their privilege to do whatever they pleased. Alicent did not hate the young girl Visenya for all she knew she was the only child that was actually Laenors she doubted Rhaenyra even knew the girls true father, she in truth did not hate Rhaenyra truly it was how she acted and the King's blind love that she despised.

In saying that she did not want to be responsible for a girl who was taking the Kings, her dead husband's attention away from her own children. They deserved his love, his care and his time but with this child around. That would never happen.

Aemond was sulking, he knew it. He hated it. He hated his brother, his mothers favourite even though Aegon was nothing but a drunk. Aegon was worthy, the King's first son and a Dragonrider. While Aemond was just a spare and a disappointment. He knew that 'the pink dread' was his brother's idea. The boys his mother always spoke about were harmless Jace being  9 namedays like himself and Luke a boy of 7 neither callous enough to play on his weakness like that.

He did not hate them, but his mothers bitterness had rubbed off on him, how could it not. His own father was an absent father even if they lived in the same keep. All his attention went to Visenya.

Visenya, the only one who knew how he felt about not having a dragon, he wanted to be in solidarity with her. She was like him alone and different from her family but jealousy always clouded his thoughts. Aemond being a young boy only wanting his parents' love always let the bitterness coat his thoughts. She not only had a mother who fussed over her, a father who spent time with her even when he would not his own sons, the lord commander of the city watch even gave her some special treatment. It was his own father that made Aemond incredibly jealous. And jealousy turns into resentment over time. Visenya got to be at his side at all times. He knew his father didn't know how to talk to Helaena when she made no sense, he had no time for Aegon who was rather he deep into his cups and other activities. But Aemond, he was a model son. He did what was expected of him he studied, he learnt the histories, learned everything about the realm trained with Ser Criston to become a brilliant swordsman but still nothing.

Aemond hated to watch Visenya walk into a room and take all of the King's attention. Anytime Aemond spent time in the Kings chambers with his model of Old Valyria she was there monopolising his attention.

"I'm sorry for what they did." Her voice was soft and sweet that left him with a sour taste in his mouth. He needed her to be bitter. Aemond turned to look at her "don't be." It came off rude and blunt and he noticed the small flinch from his voice.

"I'm, I'm sorry I didn't." He stopped; he didn't need to explain himself to Visenya. "I know how you feel." She tried to talk to him but Aemond gave her nothing. Even as she reached out her hand to him a reassuring squeeze. "You could never know how I feel." Aemond yanked his arm away from her, storming away from her, she would never know how he felt. She was sunshine with everything and everyone fawning over her. All she lacked was a dragon and he was sure she'd get one soon enough.

Aemond, well he had nothing and no one. 

Hey guys this is my first fanfic and also my first time writing in a very long time. Let me know what you think of everything and if anyone has any ideas of songs and artwork that'll fit each chapter let me know. Also feel free to make a better cover. I may be able to write but making covers, not my forté.

Thanks for reading ! xx

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