Chp. 1

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Hearing an awful sigh coming from the designer, He couldn't help but flip the pile of papers over and over again as he groaned. His client asked him to do something for him which he happily agreed but wasn't expecting the unexpected. By the what said unexpected it's cause he wasn't expecting this client to ask every time yo change the colors, the designs and such more things which made the designer do it all over again back at the start. It's like this client was making him struggle on it. Kaveh, Couldn't help but let out another groan from his mouth. “Damn it, This person is making things hard for me!” He said to himself. He did in fact knows he was all alone in his room as he rolled his eyes and put his forehead down on his desk. This was causing him a headache since this client has been making him stay up all night just to finish a design.. and requesting for a change. But since this was work, Kaveh then got his head up and sighed one last time. He was about to grab his feather but a large hand stopped his hand to get it from the desk. He thought he was all alone.. But somebody was here. They probably went in when Kaveh had his head down. Without a second, He was surprised at the other hand stopping him until the looked at who it was then glared at the other.

With the glare, The other just stared blankly at him. He didn't wanna spoke first but he did in fact made the first move by stopping the other. Kaveh felt confused. “Haitham, What do you want?! I'm working here can't you see?!” He yelled, slapping Alhaitham's hand away from the other's hand as he grabbed the feather. No reaction was shown in the other's face, He was expecting Kaveh to do this. He knew Kaveh wouldn't stop until he gets something he wants to get. “Kaveh, You should rest for a while. You've been working since last night on the same thing.” Alhaitham said in a calm tone with his eyes still on the blonde, He was looking at Kaveh who looked away from him. In truths, He was worried about Kaveh since last night. He was even watching the other work late at night by peeking a little at the door, He knows the other didn't even get to have any sleep or rest. That's why he's here trying to stop him at least. Kaveh, Looked back at him. “I'm almost done..” He yawned, His expression looks like he was really sleepy but he doesn't wanna give up just yet. “I don't think you'll be done. Your client keeps on requesting a change every hour. Look at all the papers you've wasted. You should go speak to them and really ask them what their final decision is for what they want it to be.”

“Ugh, I'm sure this is finally it! Just give me a few minutes and I'll be done!” Kaveh explained, Dodging the 'ask them' since he doesn't really wanna ask them. He was really tired. He hasn't even ate anything yet.. Not even dinner last night or breakfast. Possibly, Even lunch. He's starving. “Fine..” Alhaitham said. “I'll be at the kitchen to cook something, If you need anything call me.” With that said, Alhaitham finally left the room of the designer. Getting back to work, Kaveh continued working. Sketching and all, Drawing and stuff, Then coloring. He can feel his hands hurting but he didn't stopped a sa few hours went by.

Alhaitham who slowly opened the door, He can see the other passed out. Kaveh's head laying down on the table and sleeping beautifully. He can see ink on the ground.. It was quite a mess but he offered himself a sigh. Entering in, It looks like he brought the other food on the way. Since the other was fast asleep, He'll leave it on the other's desk when he wakes up. Though, Just laying your head down on the table and sleeping is quite uncomfortable. He thought to himself as Alhaitham slowly walked to sleeping Kaveh and carefully carried him. He quietly walked beside the other's bed as he didn't wanna make any noises. He didn't want the other to wake up because of him since right now he's finally getting the rest he deserves. Alhaitham couldn't help but show a slight smile when looking at Kaveh. He's so beautiful were the only words he said in mind as he gently places the other down on the bed. Looking for the other's blanket, He couldn't seem to find it. He finally remembers that the other day, He accidentally spilled tea on his blanket. When Kaveh found out about it he got mad and started an argument.. Probably, Right now it's still drying outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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