Chapter 7

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This chapter is mostly just be a first aid chapter but i will be announcing something important about Toru and other things what you want ig

Todoroki's Pov
"Fuck we have to fix this!" Katsuki yells before trying to run into the remainder of the portal. I grab his arm and turn his back to me before cupping his face in one swift motion. "We can't we need a plan and we need to take care of everyone else here first ok?" I say to him as he presses his forehead against mine. "Ok." He nods and I kiss his forehead before hearing a groan to the left of me.

I look over as I see kaminari waking up. "Heh even when your whole class is knocked out your still being intimate." He chuckles. "You know dunce face out of all these extras I didn't think you'd be the first one to wake up." He chuckles before heading over to him.

He lifts him over his shoulder and places him on the couch as sero walks inside. "Did you 2 do this?" He asks as I shoot him an 'are you joking' look. "I'm just playing calm down." He says. "Ok I'll cauterize the wounds if needed you can supply the bandages and katsuki you can take care of everything else ok?" I command and they all nod.

"Ok kaminari take your shirt off." I command as kat helps take it off. "Ok katsuki get a clean rag from the bathroom" I say as he gets up and comes back a minute later with the rag. I place it in kaminari's mouth. "Ok bite down on this it might hurt a bit." I say as he does as he's told. "Are you ready." I ask lighting up my left side as he nods. "Ok here we go." I say as I press my left hand to his stomach cauterizing the wound and hearing muffled screams.

"Ok all done." I say handing him over to sero before hearing groans coming from my left again. "Wait who's that?" I ask as bakugo looks around trying to find the source of the noise. "Hagakure is that you?" Sero asks. "Yeah its me...what happened?" She asks as bakugo heads over to her.

"Hey how many fingers am I holding up?" He asks. "Uh 2." She says as he takes out a flashlight. "Look to the right and then look to the left." He says shining the light in her eyes. "Ok she looks fine there's no bleeding and no sign of concussion." He says looking back over to me. "Ok thats great." I say as Aizawa starts stirring. "Aizawa's waking up can someone go check on him please." Sero asks as he finishes bandaging up kaminari.

I head over to him and take off his scarf and shirt. "He was hit right in the chest and the wounds still bleeding." I say looking towards katsuki. "Hey kat where's the rag?" I ask. "Here!" Sero yells tossing me the rag. "Thanks." I say before placing it in Aizawa's mouth. He lifts his hand slowly and takes it out.

"Hagakure." He calls. "Use it..." He says flicking his eyes over to her. "Are you sure?" She asks. "Yes..." He says as his eyes close. "Hey aizawa stay with me." I say smacking his face a little as she heads over.  She kneels behind him and places his head in her lap. "Ok go ahead." She says and I start to cauterize his wound. She hisses a little before her breathing evens out.

"Thats so cool." Katsuki mutters as she smiles in his direction before it turns into a wince again. I finish cauterizing the wound before passing him over to sero. "Hey he needs stitches" I say as katsuki throws him the package of stitches.
Its been two days and this place looks like a hospital. We have half the class awake some of them are in critical condition though. Momo's making real bandages and other medical equipment for us to use while also checking on the others. Some of us are cleaning up the blood. Recovery girl is here also she gave us the needles with anesthetic so that it becomes numb there just incase Hagakure passed out from the pain.

"You know...I never thought we'd be able to work together as a class to fix things like this." Kaminari says. "Kami! Be careful your wound might reopen." Sero says heading over to him. "Hey whats mina's status?" Kirishima asks. "She's still passed out but she's getting better." Momo says from her spot in the kitchen.

Yeah we had to use the kitchen because we were busy cleaning the living room and there were a lot of people in here anyways. "Midnight." I say giving her a warning look as she tries to take off her bandage to look at her wound.

"Oh don't worry she's not getting that off no one can take off my tape." Sero says as she rips through it and I shoot her a look before turning my head to him. "You were saying?" I say as he sighs and heads back over to her right as momo tackles her and puts her back under anesthetia.
Bakugo's Pov
After everyone is awake and we've done all that we can recovery girl comes back and does the finishing touches like healing the ones in the kitchen which is what we call the critical conditions and just making sure the wounds on the other were taken care of properly. "You all did very good here take some gummies." She says as we bow.

"So...are we gonna talk about it?" I ask breaking the happy mood they were just put in. "Katsuki..." Shoto says. "No shoto we have to talk about it I'm not gonna just sit here and act like everythings ok while he's gone." I say getting frustrated. "I understand that but there really is nothing we can do." He says. "You're right there's nothing we can do so I'll do it myself." I say walking off.

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