Chapter 12

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Time skip 6 hours later Bakugo's Pov
"So thats what happened?" I say cuddling my boyfriend as he nods in my hold. I can't believe Izuku's dead. Its all my fault too, if I made a move to fight them they would have never taken him and he'd still be here.

"Katsuki I know your blaming yourself... stop it." Shoto says looking up at my face. "Sorry." I mumble. "Lets just go to sleep. Please?" He asks. I look over at my clock and it says 9:30pm,Tuseday April 18th.

"Ok.." I nod lying down with him still on top of me and then releasing him from my hold so he can roll over. After he rolls over I turn towards him and spoon him. "I love you,you know that right?" He whispers. "Yeah I know." I say falling asleep.
Todoroki's pov
I wake up and stretch feeling katsuki's arms tighten around my waist. My arm stretches a little further and hits him in the nose. "Damn it shoto." He groans. I turn around quickly in his hold. "Im sorry Kat, I didn't mean to hit you." I quickly apologize inspecting his nose.

"Its ok, I'll be ok." He says releasing his hold on me, turning around and looking at the clock. "We have to get ready for school." I sigh sitting up. "Do you want some clothes?" I ask. "Yeah,thanks." He smiles yawning. I hand him a pair of clothes and he steps into the bathroom.

I begin to get dressed in my room. While I'm buttoning up my shirt I hear a big bang come from the bathroom making me worry. "Katsuki?" I call. I wait a second but he doesn't respond. "Katsuki?" I walk over to the bathroom door and try to open it. "Katsuki open the door." I state my voice wavering a bit.

I wait a couple seconds for any sign of movement behind the door. "I'm coming in." I say, placing my left hand on the door and burning the lock off. The door swings open and I step inside. "Katsuki?" I call out looking around. Where is he? I move the shower curtain and find him lying there his head bleeding just a bit.

I grab my first aid kit and head over to him. I kneel down beside him and grab some hydrogen peroxide to clean his cut. As I'm cleaning the blood off his face I hear him groan as his eyes blink open. "Shoto?" He looks towards me. "Yes,katsuki?" I ask him. "Thank you for cleaning the blood up." He smiles. "Your welcome..,do you remember what happened?" I ask.

"Um..I finished putting on my shirt and sat down on the ledge right there," He points before continuing. "I must have slipped." He finishes. "There might've been some melted ice there, I'm sorry." I apologize. "Its fine, I'm okay." He stands up getting out of the bath tub. I stand after him and brush off my pants. "Do you still wanna go to school?" I ask him. "Yeah, come on." He walks out of the bathroom and heads to the elevator. I walk out after him grabbing our bags and our phones following him into the elevator.

"Here you forgot your stuff." I hand over his bag and phone. "Thanks." He takes his stuff and steps out the elevator. "Katsuki why are you rushing?" I ask having to jog a little to keep up with him. "I don't like to be late icyhot." He says switching back to using my nickname.

We arrive at schoool and head to our classroom just barely making it before the bell rings. "Morning class," Aizawa greets walking into the classroom. "Good morning." We all reply making the side of his lips quirk up a bit. "Ok so we're going to be going on a field trip tomorrow to the training camp so I want you to get these signed by your parents." He states handing the papers to Iida and yaoyorozu so they can hand them out to the class.

I take out my phone and click on katsuki's contact.

Bold is katsuki
Italic is shoto

Hey are you going on the field trip?

Maybe 🤷🏾‍♀️ tomorrows my birthday so the old hag might have something planned.

Oh ok. Tell me if you are so I can make arrangements to go too.

Will do sho.

I put away my phone and focus back on the math lesson that aizawa's teaching us on the board. I raise my hand, "Todoroki?" He points to me. "The answer is line AB equals 5.7" I state. He looks over his work then nods. "Thats correct." He erases the problem from the board and starts a new one.

Someone knocks on the door and aoyama gets up to open it. "Ah hey sho," Present mic greets. "Is it your turn already?" He asks feigning sadness. "Yeah it is." He smiles as aizawa walks over to him and whispers something in his ear. He looks over at me and nods. 

He turns to the board and erases the math problem before setting up some english sentences for our do now. "I want you all to open your notebooks and write these sentences in proper english." He states pointing to the board.
I'm glad half the day is over my head is starting to hurt. I grab my lunch tray that holds my cold soba and walk over to katsuki and his group of friends. He looks in my direction and smiles before returning back to his conversation. I begin to eat my soba, and my eyes close from the juicy goodness of the noodles sliding down my throat.

I finish my soba all to quickly leaving a pout on my face. Katsuki turns towards me and kisses my pouting lips making me smile. "You guys are so cute!" Mina squeels making katsuki roll his eyes. I stand and head over to the garbage bin to throw out my empty tray of food. As I walk back I begin to wobble a bit but I'm able to sit down before anything dangerous happens.

I lean my head on my boyfriends shoulder and he kisses the top of it. "Are you okay?" He asks. "My head hurts.." I say as the pain increases making me squeeze my eyes tight. Katsuki places his thumb and index fingers on my temple and begins to rub it gently.

"Thank you." I whisper smiling just a bit before grimacing again. "You're not going to class after this are you?" He asks."I have to we have sparring today and Aizawa wants to put me up against the whole class." I reply. "With your headache?" He asks his massaging slowing down a bit before returning back to its normal pace.

"Its ok its nothing I haven't dealt with before." I assure him. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Yes, I'm sure" I reassure him yawning. He stops talking and his friends continue their conversation. I begin to doze off on his shoulder as I wait for the second bell to ring.
I walk outside and aizawa calls me over. "Change of plans kaminari is going to be taking your spot for today,because we needed to find a punishment for him after we found him trying to cause a power outage so the school could be let out early." He groans and I nod heading back over to the class.

"Alright class today instead of breaking off into your own individual pairs you will be versing kaminari in a one on one battle." He says as kaminari walks up in front of the class smiling. "So first will be Kaminari vs Bakugo." He states. "This will be easy." Kaminari smiles. "Easy? Yeah for me." Katsuki grins making kaminari's smile falter.

"Can I forfeit?" He pleads getting down on his knees. "No." Aizawa rolls his eyes at his annoyance. "But look at him!" He points to katsuki who's already in the ring little explosions coming off his hands and a devilish smile on his face. "Good luck." He shrugs walking away. "Aizawa, Aizawa please!" He yells.

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