chapter 2

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    "All hail Jacaerys of House Velaryon. Prince of Dragonstone." Someone behind him announced as Jacaerys had just landed. Shortly after getting down from Vermax, he stored his black leather gloves in one of his pockets.

Around him, there were stunned faces of astonishment, ones that had clearly never seen a dragon with their own eyes before. The crowd faded the way towards the castle and so he walked as people's eyes were on him, almost suffocating the prince. Jacaerys straightened his back as he got closer to the citadel, and felt his arm hair raise from the shivering cold that The North was.

He continued strutting towards the Winterfell Castle, and narrowed his eyes when he thought he had just seen a man with the exact same physique as Lord Cregan. Tall, brown hair and beard, quite buff... He also had next to him a lady, he assumed that was his infamous bastard half-sister.

"Cregan Stark??" Jacaerys called out the man a few feet from him, who marginally heightened his head.

"Are my eyes deceiving me, or are we in the presence of Prince Jacaerys??" The man asked rhetorically to the lady beside him. She glanced at Jacaerys for a quick moment, and turned her gaze down. "Has anyone ever told you that you are the spitting image of your mother when she was younger??" Cregan interrogated the prince to start small talk and give him a hint of who he was.

"Are you Cregan Stark, yes or no??" Jacaerys asked the Lord of Winterfell aggressively. He wasn't there to chat, to drink or to be folks with Cregan. His only objective was to leave Winterfell alive with the support of House Stark. Successfully doing that, he would be more than The Realm's Delight bastard son, he would one day be King, and people would celebrate him for strengthening the union of two of the most powerful houses in Westeros.

"I am incredibly sorry to hear about King Viserys's passing. He was a good ruler." The Lord stepped forward to Jacaerys and paused for some moments, creating a quiet and very painful atmosphere between the two men and everyone around watching them. "And I'm certain your mother will be one too." He said assuringly, taking Jace's hand and shaking it with his own.


At dinner, the Stark Lord and Snow girl, were sitting at the table with the Prince of Dragonstone, awaiting their food, and there was again, another moment of silence flooding the room. The silence was so loud, Sara could hear her ears ringing.

She'd never been more relieved to receive her serving of food. Eating kept her mind off of things, and didn't have to concentrate in the present moment, or even acknowledge it.
At the table, she was swallowing whole pieces of meat, as discreetly as she could, to try and leave the quarter of the castle as quickly as possible.

Sara noticed Cregan questioning Jacaerys, but couldn't be arsed to listen to their talk. She continued to ignore the men whilst looking down at her plate as she slid her fork into her mouth and drank the red wine. Wiping the corner of her lips with the napkin placed on her legs, she excused herself and as she was getting up, her half-brother's voice startled her. "Leaving so soon??" Cregan asked. She turned to face him with anxiety rushing through her veins.

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