Chapter 2

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"You can't be serious, Paul." I reasoned with my teacher. How could he do this to me?

"First, don't call me Paul. Second, I have noticed that you guys don't exactly get along, so just give it a chance." I know what he's doing, he's trying to pull that teacher crap where enemies become friends. Let's get something straight. No, I don't hate Louis because he's gay, I hate him because he's...I don't know...he's an easy victim. Also he isn't too bad looking, I guess I take that as a threat.

"Fine, but if he gets a black eye or something just know its your fault." Mr. Higgins just glared at me. I can't believe he's making me do a project with Louis. To make matters worse I have to sit next to him in class now. The bell rang and kids started filing into the classroom. Essie wasn't here today. Thank goodness. She's getting so annoying. I plopped down in my seat and waited for Louis to sit. He walked over and moved his chair as far away from me as possible, as to not get hurt. Smart decision.

"So, we're working together?" He asked looking like a toddler who just got caught doing something he shouldn't have.

"Yep." I said popping the 'P' "But don't think this makes us friends." He just nodded and started getting out a piece of paper. Mr. Higgins was talking about something I should probably care about, but all I could think about was having to do a project with this loser. I snuck a glance at him, and he was copying down a ton of notes. Maybe I should be taking notes too. Wait, what am I saying? I don't take notes.

"You may talk until the bell rings." Mr. Higgins said a few minutes before class was over.

"Should we go to your house to work on the project?" Yeah if you want to see my dad punch me in the face.

" I-uh..I have guests staying. It's crowded."


"Oh, okay. We can go to my house then. Do you have a car?" He asked.

"Nah." My dad barely buys me food, let alone a car. "Do you?" I asked him. He shook his head no.

"I always walk home, it's about a five minutes away from here, are you okay with that?" Well considering I almost always walk home because my dad is a psychopath then yes. I nodded to him. The day was done fairly quickly, I was actually relieved to be going to Louis' house instead of my own. I met him after my last class, as usual, just for a different reason today. We started walking in silence until he cleared his throat awkwardly. " aren't going to beat me up at my house, right?" He asked. I feel a small pang of guilt, that someone thinks I am always going to hurt them. What am I saying? I am Harry Styles, I don't feel bad. This kid is messing me up.

"No." I answered, not saying anything after that. We eventually arrived at his house. It was actually a cute little house, but when we got inside I saw how big it really was. "Wow, nice house." I complimented.

"Thanks!" A little girl of about 7 or 8 said, she popped out of nowhere and started talking to me. "I'm Daisy!" She said.

A little girl who looked like her popped out and said "and I'm Pheobe her twin!" I laughed and started talking to them

"Those are very pretty names." I said with a smile. Louis took me to the kitchen to see a girl probably 4 or 5 years younger than us.

"That's Lottie." He said pointing at her.

"Hi." I smiled and waved.

"Hey." She said warmly. Once we got into the living room alone Louis said

"What was that?"

I answered with a question "What was what?" He looked at me shocked and said

"You turned into like dad mode! I have never seen you so nice before. You're barely that nice to Essie!" He has a point.

"I don't know. I like kids, how can you be mean to a child?" He just looked at me, like he had never expected that to come out of my mouth.

"Thank you." He said "For not embarrassing me in front of them, and not hurting their feelings." I looked into his blue eyes and saw something there, like he was genuinely touched that I had a soft side.

"Lets get to work." I growled, I refuse to be nice to him. He looked a bit hurt. We had just started our project when a woman walked in, I'm guessing it was Louis' mum.

"Hi, who are you?" She said with a smile. She looked like one of those people you could trust with anything.

"I'm Harry. I said standing up to shake her hand, but instead of getting a handshake she pulled me in for a hug. After me and Louis had worked on our project for a bit I asked to go to the bathroom.

"Yeah, third door to the left." He pointed in the direction of the bathroom.

"Thanks." When I got back from the bathroom Louis' mum was in the living room and quickly got up whispering something to Louis, when she saw me.

"I'll leave you two alone." She said as she walked out.

*Louis POV*

Harry left to go to the bathroom, as my mum was walking in. "New boyfriend? He's a cutie."

I groaned and said "Mum! He likes girls!"

She looked at me skeptically and said "I wouldn't be so sure." What did she mean by that?

"Um..okay mum." She started getting up and when she saw Harry she quickly whispered in my ear.

"I just wouldn't be surprised if he was gay is all." Trust me...he is as homophobic as it gets. If mum knew what he does to me just because I'm gay she wouldn't let him in the house. She walked away saying "I'll leave you two alone." Harry came and sat down next to me, his leg almost touching mine.

"So...erm how much more do we have to do?" He asked me.

"Well, we've done a considerable amount for one day, so we can be done for today."

He started looking kind of panicked and quickly said "A-are you sure? Don't you want to do a little more today, or at least get to know each other?" What the heck?

"Why the change in spirit? I thought you hated me." I questioned.

He stood up abruptly and said a little bit more harshly "I'm glad were done. I'll be leaving now." With a small look of disgust. What did I do now?!

"Okay." I said as the curly boy walked out of my house. What the heck was that? It seemed like he wanted to stay at first, why did he leave so harshly? My mum walked in and asked how everything was going. "We were getting on fine, but then I said we were done and he wanted to stay longer."

She looked a bit angry and said "So you kicked him out?!" I quickly explained what happened.

"No! I asked him why he wanted to stay and he got mad and left." She kind of shrugged and stood up mumbling

"You kids are crazy these days." I chuckled at how granny-like that sounded.

*Harry POV*

I stared at the ground, shuffling my feet on the road that leads to home. I actually had a lot of fun today. I really didn't want to leave, but I didn't want Louis thinking that I had gone soft and actually liked him or something. Maybe I could have handled that a bit better. I will try and smooth things over tomorrow, I guess. I wonder what Essie would think if she saw how nice I was being to him. Actually I don't care what she thinks. She's too much to handle, and this relationship isn't going to last much longer. Hopefully I can get my big break without her rich dad. Speaking of dads, I'm almost home. Fun. I started walking much slower than necessary. If I'm lucky my dad will be sleeping or totally plastered. As usual. I made my way up my cracked driveway, hoping that my dad wasn't awake. I padded up to the front door and jiggled the knob. Of course, it was locked. I lifted up the corner of the doormat to find the spare key. Once I got the key I quickly opened the door, there were some beer cans littering the kitchen, and a bottle of vodka mostly empty on the coffee table. These are good signs, I peeked around the couch and saw my dad passed out, probably piss drunk. I tiptoed upstairs and got in the shower. When I was done I shook my curls out and crawled into bed...I usually sleep naked. I finally drifted off to sleep to the sound of the cars rushing by outside, and a drizzle of rain starting.

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