Chapter 6

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*Louis POV*

"Looouuuuis!" I hear my mum call my name. I groan and slide my laptop off my thighs. I get up and pad over to the door, sinking into the soft carpet. I make my way downstairs and search for my mum. I walk into the kitchen and see her with a bouquet of flowers.

"Oh, who got you these?" I ask winking. She laughs and hands them to me.

"Actually they're for you." She says. I raise my eyebrows at her and search for the card in the bright flowers. I finally find it, and see its from Harry. I sigh. I want to be mad at him but he is just so incredibly adorable. When I flip the card over I see a little poem scribbled on the back, describing all the flowers.

'The iris means cherished friendship,

The chrysanthemum says you are a wonderful friend,

Freesia symbolizes trust,

and the red carnations are for admiration that will never end.'

Wow. I feel bad for being such a jerk to him now. I debate whether I should keep the flowers and finally trudge over to grab a vase and fill it with water.

"Shouldn't you be happy that you got flowers?" My mum asks

"I am. I'm just tired is all."

She shrugs and I head back upstairs. I decide to text Harry a thank you.

*Harry POV*

My phone buzzes and I lean over to see who texted. It's just a text from Louis, I lay back down and close my eyes. Just a text from...a text from Louis! I jump up and snatch my phone up, quickly sliding the arrow to unlock it.  

From Lou:

Thanks for the flowers.

I smile and pump my fist in the air. I type and retype my response over and over again but it never sounds right. I finally decide on something simple.

To Lou:

You're welcome.

I throw my phone down on my bed and sit staring at it until he replies. My phone finally buzzes and I dive forward to answer.

From Lou:


Ugh. He's still mad. I guess I'll try plan B.

*Louis POV*




I sit on my bed watching pebbles smack against my window. I sigh and stand up, walking towards the window. I see a certain curly haired boy standing outside of my house and smile. I throw my window open and yell to him. "What the hell are you doing?" He smiles back.

"I came to apologize!" Harry shouts, gesturing at his guitar. I'm such a sucker for a guy who can play guitar, is he trying to kill me or something? I listen contently as he strums the first few notes.

This is the start of something beautiful, This is the start of something new, You are the one who'd make me lose it all, You are the start of something new, And I'll throw it all away, Watched you fall into my arms again, And I'll throw it all away, Watch you fall, now, You are the earth I will stand upon, And I've thrown it all away, Watched you fall into his arms again, And I've thrown it away, And take me back, Take me home, Watch me fall, down to earth, Take me back, This is the start of something beautiful, You are the start of something new 

As he finishes the song I just stare in  shock. "Damn boy, I didn't know you could sing!" I call down to him.

"Does that mean I'm forgiven?" He asks.

I smile and laugh, "I guess, hey wait right there!" I call. I slam the window shut and practically trip down the stairs. I run to the front door and fling it open. "Hey." I say breathlessly. He jogs towards me, hair bouncing with every step.

"I'm so sorry." He says, looking like a puppy who's just been scolded. I smile and wrap him up in a hug. I can feel him smiling into my shoulder.

"Wanna come in?" I ask. He nods eagerly and we walk in the front door. We sit down on the couch and talk about what to do. "Well, I don't feel like doing the project." I say. "Do you want to go for a swim?" I ask.

"I don't have any swim trunks." He reminds me.

"No matter. You can borrow some." I say. He looks skeptical but agrees. After we change into our swim clothes we walk out to my backyard. Harry doesn't want to get in, complaining that its too cold or something, so I decide to go in without him. I run up to the edge and do a cannonball splashing water everywhere, including on Harry. He jumps away but I splash him even more.

"Stop! Stop!" He shouts, laughing. "I'll get in!" He takes his shirt off to get in the pool and I see scars and bruises all over his back and stomach. His ribs are black and blue as well.

"Oh my god, Harry" I gasp. "Are you okay? Who did this to you?" I say climbing out of the pool to inspect him. He tries to put his shirt back on but it's too late, I've already seen everything.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just fell down the stairs." He brushes it off.

"You don't get scars and bruises like that from falling down the stairs, Harry. What happened?" I question further.

"If I tell you this you cannot tell anybody. Okay?" He asks. I nod and he continues. "My dad abuses me." He breathes out. I gasp and hug him. He starts crying and I cry with him while he tells me the story. "My mum died when I was little, and he's been an abusive drunk ever since. I get beatings everyday when I go home." He sobs.

"Live with me." I offer.

"What?" He says.

"Live with me. My mum and sisters love you! I'm sure we can make room!" I say.

"Really?" He squeaks.

"Yeah." I smile. I start to lean in but I have to stop myself, because I remember Harry is straight. It kind of looks like he's leaning in too. Oh my god. He is leaning in. I let my eyes flutter closed. Are lips are centimeters apart, I can feel his warm breath on my lips. I have been waiting for this moment for five years.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2013 ⏰

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