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I pitied her but I would never let her back to them, after all her family already forgot about her. We check in with them now and then, and it seems like they don't even care about her. They live in a mansion with three children and it seems they don't even regret their decision. They would have most likely sold Emily for a few measly coins, it's better for her to never try and go back to them. I decided to finally respond to her about her family, and nothing else. "Emilly, I need to tell you about your family," I started, she finally unveiled her blanket and showed her face, filled with curiosity as I then continued "They forgot about you, they don't care one bit about you. I suggest you try and forget about them," I looked at her face which was filled with shock, looking like if I say anything else she'll shatter into a million pieces. I stood up to leave but she then grabbed my arm, I looked at her and it seemed like she wanted to say something but couldn't find the words. I sat down on her bed again and she just snuggled into my arm in the process of hyperventilating.

I put her on my lap and we just stayed there for a bit, her breath going back to normal little by little. Then after a good ten minutes, she fell asleep in my arms, and I thought to myself 'My god, it sickens me to touch her' I laid her back on her bed 'And yet, my pulse, it quickens as I do...' I walked toward the door with that thought lingering in my mind. I did a special knock on the door and a few minutes later the door opened. I stepped into the white hallway and went to my office for a cup of tea. As I was walking I hummed a tune I heard in a nearby pub, it was an old jazz song filled with scat. I then turned a corner and was met with my office door with my name on a gold plate. I opened the door instead of unlocking it like I normally do since I had to rush straight out of my office and was met with a mess of a room. I sighed knowing that this mess was caused by my rushing out of there and how long it would take me to clean it all up, I went over to my cupboard that was filled with little tea packets and grabbed Earl Gray, one of my favorite teas. As I was going to grab a cup I heard yet again, another siren, I sighed knowing that today was going to be extremely tiring, and looked at my tracker yet again. I saw that everyone was there, except for Emily who needed to get another injection and ran towards the only location that would be causing an alarm.

I rushed up to the second floor which was for seventeen-year-olds that haven't been given a lethal injection yet. Guards were already running up the stairs just as I was about to reach them, I ran as fast as I could knowing that these fights are extremely dangerous. I felt my shot in my pocket as I was just turning the corner to where I suspected the fight is. As I continued to run down the hallway I saw two girls trying to kick at each other even with guards holding them back, I then walked up to them both with my 'kind and considerate' face on. They both turned their heads toward me and stopped trying to fight with each other. "Ladies, ladies, what's going on?" I asked, trying my best to keep my composure. They then started to talk at once blaming each other and then arguing with each other yet again, I realized that these two would be harder to deal with than usual. "Before you two start having yet another catfight why don't we put you into your rooms and I go and ask you both individually?" I asked, they both seemed to agree to these terms giving each other a death glare while doing so, I gave the guards a small nod as a signal to escort the both of them to their rooms.

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