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~ "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" ~

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~ "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" ~

Name: Aurora L. Black

Full name: Aurora Lyra Black

Superhero name: Miss Vulpes. The heroine is also referred to as the Vulpes

Nickname(s): A, Rora, Ro (friends) - Aura, Rory (Henry) - Foxy, Vixen (anyone who knows about her Animagus form)

Appearance: Aurora has long brown hair. The 16-year-old witch has hazel-colored eyes, meaning she's a complete copy of her mother. Aurora is the type of girl you would see wearing leather jackets, just like her father. At every chance she got, she tried to show off her Hogwarts house colors in her outfits, which means almost every day. She also wears light makeup, mascara, a little blush, and lipgloss/lipstick.

• Sirius Black (Father, Pureblood, murdered)
• Abigail Black-Potter (Mother, Pureblood, dead)
• Regulus Black (uncle, pureblood, dead)
• James Potter (uncle, pureblood, murdered)
• Lily Potter (aunt, muggleborn, murdered)
• Harry Potter (cousin, half-blood)

Biography: Aurora Black is the daughter of Sirius Black and Abigail Black-Potter. She is related to the 'Chosen One' seeing her mother was James Potter's older twin sister. This girl actually managed to skip two years of her Hogwarts time. This is because of her mother. Abigail Potter knew someday the murderer of her brother and sister-in-law would come back, so when her daughter was 11 years old, she started to learn the young girl spells. Aurora was so fascinated by this, she started to learn everything herself or with the help of her mother. During her first year, she was already reading third-year stuff. Just before Christmas break, she had a conversation with her head of house, professor McGonagall. They came to a solution, the girl would be transferred to 3rd year. This meant she was in the same year as Fred and George Weasley. She's just like her mother, smart, kind, and can stand up for herself - with or without magic, but she has some of her father's trades too, she really likes to play pranks, and is just as rebellious and reckless as her father. Not that her mother didn't pull pranks, she was also a Marauder. Aurora even pulled pranks with the Weasley twins. The twins were the ones that gave her the nickname Vixen. Right now, she's sixteen years old. Just after she graduates from Hogwarts (2 years early, may I remind you), Aurora learns that the Dark Lord is after her. While her cousin was starting his sixth year, Aurora got Auror training. After like 2 months, she was ready and became part of the order. Not without protests from Molly Weasley of course. Aurora also isn't a normal witch. Since the girl had an accident when she and the twins were pulling pranks, she seemed to have gained new powers. The spell caused her to gain the powers of her Animagus form. Ever since then, every break she started to fight crime. But one day, she has to leave Londen behind. The start of a new adventure.


- Heightened Senses: She has extremely acute olfactory senses and hearing. She is an excellent tracker and has even detected traces of extradimensional energy, scents, and even the smell of fear.
- Communication with Animals: The young girl has shown the ability to establish conversations with animals seeing she talked to her niffler and owl.
- Superhuman Agility and speed: Miss Vulpes is able to jump long distances, she is capable of running and moving at speeds that are far beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete

• Hermione Granger
• Harry potter
• Ron Weasley
• George Weasley
• Fred Weasly
• Nymphadora Tonks
• Cedric Diggory (died)
• Luna Lovegood
• Neville Longbottom
• Remus Lupin
• Ginny Weasley
• Henry Hart
• Jasper Dunlop
• Charlotte Page

Romance: Henry Hart

Pets: Snowflake - Snow Owl, Shiny - Niffler

• Hogwarts
• Swellview high

Hogwarts house: Gryffindor

Wand: Vinewood with a dragon heartstring core, 13 ¼" and hard flexibility

Patronus: Fox

Animagus form: White Fox/Artic Fox

Face claim: Lily Collins

Superhero suit:

^ imagine her hair still being brown ^

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^ imagine her hair still being brown ^

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