First day

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(🤍 🦊🤍)

It had been a couple of days. Aurora had not done a lot in those last days, except for redecorating her bedroom, but a new unknown hero had made more appearances. No one knows who this hero is, everyone knows nothing except for her name. Well, everyone? There are only three people who do, Aurora Black and her guardians Beatrix and Duncan Walker. The other 2 heroes of the city didn't meet the heroine yet, but they did know something about her. They knew it was someone with the powers of a fox and her hero's name. Anyway, it had been a long night for the sixteen-year-old girl. She had gone out last night to fight some crimes. But today, it's her first day at high school. There was a knocking sound on her door. "Aurora, it's time to get up." Beatrix's voice sounded. The girl groaned in response as she rolled over onto her side. "I'll be waiting for you downstairs with breakfast."

Aurora started to slowly get ready. She didn't want to go to school. She noticed Shiny look up from his drawer sleepy. "I know buddy." Aurora told him. "I don't want to get up either, it's too early." She walked over to her closet and opened it. It was mostly covered in red clothing items. She looked through all the items, trying to get her outfit for the day. Eventually, the girl chose a burgundy turtleneck and black jeans. This would go well with her new ankle boots. She let out a small sigh before walking down the stairs. Here she found Beatrix and Duncan already sitting at the dining table. She took a seat and started to dig in the food that was placed all over the table. Even if she hadn't known the woman for long, Beatrix Walker was an excellent baker and chef. Every meal the girl ate was amazing. During breakfast, she listened to the stories Beatrix and Duncan told her. After a while she looked at the clock, seeing she needed to get ready quickly or she would come late.

"Go pack your bag, I will prepare you some lunch." Beatrix told her. The girl gave a grateful smile and kissed the woman's cheeks as thanks. She ran up the stairs towards her bedroom. The couple had given her a backpack yesterday which she could use for school.

After placing the stuff inside her bag, she noticed Shiny look at her pleadingly. "No." Aurora told him looking at him sternly. The niffler just looked at the girl with a sad look, looking like a kicked puppy. "You're not coming with me. I mean it." With that, she zipped up her bag and put it on her shoulder. She rubbed his head before smiling at him. "I will see you after school." Then she walked down the stairs towards the living room. On the kitchen table laid her sketchbook, she grabbed it before turning to the two adults. "I will be going I guess." The woman gestured for the girl to turn around while holding her lunch in her hands.

"You know the way to school right?" Duncan asked as Beatrix pushed the lunchbox into the girl's bag. The girl nodded.

"Good luck, dear." Beatrix said. Aurora gave a little wave before walking towards the front door. But the moment she opened the door, she heard a voice. "Aurora, wait.." The woman came running to the girl while holding a couple of books. "I forgot to put these upstairs, but you need them." The girl took the books from her guardian. "Now go, before you're too late." She pushed the girl out of the door. Aurora let out a giggle before waving for the last time and walking away towards the school.

Aurora walked into the school while holding some of her books and sketchbook in her hands. To say she was nervous, was an understatement, she was terrified. It had been months since the girl last went to a school, besides she never had been to a muggle school before. You would think it would be a disaster for the girl to go to this type of school, but it wasn't. While being on a break from and even before Hogwarts, she learned everything a muggle teenager needed to learn. Just in case something would happen that caused her to go into hiding in the muggle world. Thank Godric she did this for the past 5/6 years. She was so in her own thoughts, that she bumped into someone. This caused her books to fall from her hands. "I'm so sorry." Aurora apologized as she crouched down to pick her books up. She sat down on her knees when she tried to grab her books.

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