A Fiñata Full Of Death Bugs

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(🤍 🦊🤍)

It has been a couple of weeks since Aurora joined the team. Apparently, Jasper had found out about Henry being Kid Danger when Aurora was out of town with Beatrix and Duncan to visit some old friends of the couple. Not that the girl paid attention the days leading up to the event, she had been reading a lot and wouldn't want to lay her book down. "Just like your mother." Was the one thing she heard whenever she would pick up her book. She also had received a Wizz watch along with the gum tube, the last one not being necessary. But being so grateful and nice as she is, Aurora did accept it. The only difference between her gum tube and Henry's and Ray's were the colours of the gumballs. Aurora's gumballs were light blue and white instead of red and blue.

Anyway, Ray wasn't thrilled about the fact Jasper had found out. "I don't know about this, man. I don't know." Ray said as he walked back and forth in the Man Cave.

"Come on, it's gonna be great." Henry said.

"Oh, that's exactly what you said when you talked me into eating those women's energy bars!" Ray stated. "Then, I couldn't stop reading books about princesses." Henry smirked at the memory.

Aurora had been sitting on the couch in the Man Cave, filling out some homework she needed to complete. But all this sound around her, which has been going on for like 20 minutes or so, made it really hard.

"Dude, I've known Jasper my whole life."

"That does not mean he's not qualified to have a job here!"

Aurora sighed as she placed her pen down. She waved her wand, making her books fly back into her bag. "You don't know that until you give him a chance to prove himself." The girl said as she gathered her hair in her hands. She twisted it before twirling it, making a bun and securing it with a hair tie. Then she pushed her wand through it. Just as the girl finished, Charlotte came down the tube.

"Oh, hey." The girl said. "Happy Saturday morning."

"Hey." Aurora said as she held her hand out. Charlotte gave her a low five as she passed.

"Maybe you're happy." Ray said grumpily.

"Char, will you tell Ray that Jasper working at Junk N' Stuff isn't going to be a problem." Henry said as he stood up.

"I can't tell lies before breakfast." Charlotte said before turning around towards the AutoSnacker.

"Get me something too." Aurora called out. 

"Will do."

Henry sat down again and wrapped his arm around Aurora's shoulder. Immediately the girl's cheeks heated up. After the first time it happened, the girl had spoken to Beatrix about it. This caused her to get the full story about how Beatrix and Duncan fell in love. At first, the girl was confused when the woman began over her Hogwarts years until she mentioned the symptoms of having a crush. The butterflies, lighting up when someone mentions the person, getting red whenever the person you liked gave you some attention like wrapping an arm around you, complimenting you, etc. Everything started to make sense. She had feelings for her fellow sidekick. "You're just as clueless as Abi was when she was falling in love with your father." Beatrix said after the girl confessed she fancied someone. 

The girl got pulled out of her thoughts when she saw Henry pull something out of his pocket. It was some kind of bar. "Here you go." Henry held the bar out towards the adult, who was standing behind the two teens. 

"What is this?" Ray asked.

"Lady bar."

Ray screamed before he tossed it across the room. Both Henry and Aurora started to smile. A small giggle even escaped the girl's lips. Aurora looked over to her girl best friend who just had ordered some breakfast for the two. But it was taking a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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