New town

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(🤍 🦊🤍)

A girl wearing a long dark grey cloak was running through the woods while looking over her shoulder every now and then. Her face wasn't visible due to the hood covering it. You could only see the brown wavy locks of hair appear from underneath it. Then out of now where, some coloured and lighted streak hit a tree next to the girl, leaving a slight burn mark on the tree trunk. She knew what it was, someone shooting a spell at her and missing. She turned around and faced her attacker. Determination and bravery glistened in her eyes. Who is she, might you ask? This girl was a witch named Aurora Black.

Aurora sent a powerful blast toward the Death Eater in front of her. She had been duelling against this one for a while. After she and her cousin discovered the prophecy at the end of her seventh year, which actually would be her 5th, Death Eaters have been coming after the sixteen-year-old girl. And honestly, she was getting tired of this. Yes, she knew the war was starting, but if she already had to deal with around 10 attacks a week in the beginning stage, how many of them would she have in de middle? Aurora was just in time to perform a shielding spell before sending one of her own attacks. This gave her time so she then apparated away.

Luckily for her, she knew where to apparate to. Her mother had always told her about the house of an old friend of hers in a place called Swellview. This old friend was to place to go to when things were getting out of hand. At least that is what her mother always told her. It was dark when she arrived there, so one would have seen her appear from thin air. In front of her was a manor. Small hedged stood next to the path that lead to the door. Pink flowers were in the yard, that was what the girl could see. Aurora quickly made her way to the front door. She knocked at the door a few times. Only a couple of seconds later, the door opened. Behind it was a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair and light blue eyes. Aurora recognized the woman a little but could put her finger on it. "Who are you?" The woman asked. Then the woman's eyes widened. She looked like she had seen a ghost. "Abs?" The old nickname for her deceased friend.

"My name is Aurora, actually." Aurora answered as she took off her hood. "You must be Mrs. Walker. A Pure-blood Gryffindor witch."

"That's me yeah." Mrs. Walker answered confused. Can you blame her? A teenage girl, who she hadn't seen before was standing in front of her front door knowing who lived in the house. "How do you know me?"

"You knew my mother?" Aurora said but it sounded like a question. "Abigail Black?" The woman looked at her confused, of course, she recognized the first name but she didn't know her friend was married. "Her maiden name was Potter. Abigail Potter, twin sister of James?"

"Abi's daughter.... Come in, dear." Mrs. Walker said as she stepped aside to let the girl in. She led the girl to the living room. Here Aurora found a man sitting on the couch. He had longish brown hair and brown eyes. He reminded the girl of a muggle actor from a show Hermione showed her about criminals. "Duncan, darling, we have a visitor." The man looked up and saw the teenage girl. "She's Abigail's daughter."

"Ah." The man answered as he took in her appearance. Mrs. Walker sat down next to him. Aurora kept standing while fidgeting with her fingers.

"You can sit down, dear." Mrs. Walker told the girl. Aurora did as told and sat down in one of the chairs. She looked around the living room. She noticed that most of the colors in the living room were red. Both of them must have been Gryffindors too. Next to the chair Aurora was sitting on, was a grey fireplace. "So, tell us a bit about yourself."

"Well, I'm Aurora Black, daughter of Sirius and Abigail Black." Aurora started as she folded her hands together in her lap. "My Hogwarts house is Gryffindor. I'm 16, but already graduated from Hogwarts."

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