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The first rays of sunlight came through the grey curtains. The first pieces of sunlight landed on a 16-year-old girl. Aurora Black slowly started waking up because of the light in her eyes. Groaning, she rolled over and shielded her eyes. She didn't want to wake up yet. Then a soft knock sounded on her bedroom door. "Aurora? Are you awake?" Beatrix's voice sounded.

"Just woke up." Aurora said.

"Alright, breakfast is ready when you are." The woman informed before walking down the stairs. Aurora lifted her duvet up. Out of her trunk, she took black jeans, a red top, and a black leather jacket. She changed out of her pyjamas and dressed in clean clothes. Then she walked to the bathroom. She started to brush her hair with the new brush the Walkers had placed there for her. Everything she needed was there, a brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. While brushing her hair, her thoughts started running through her head. 'How were her friends doing? When could she see them again?' The girl sighed as she placed the brush down. She quickly grabbed her wand from her nightstand and placed it in her jacket pocket. She had enchanted every jacket she owned to make sure she could fit her wand in it with nobody noticing. She walked down the stairs to meet with her guardians. Immediately the smell of freshly baked buns, french toast, croissants, American pancakes, you name it, came into her nose. Her mouth started to water when she noticed all the goods that were placed on the table. "Goodmorning, dear." 

"Goodmorning, Beatrix, Duncan." Aurora greeted as she took a seat at the dining table. 

"Goodmorning, Aurora," Duncan greeted her back. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I did, thanks for asking." Aurora told him.

"Great." Beatrix said as she took some french toast. Aurora kept staring at the food with widened eyes and mouth slightly open.  "Grab some, Aurora. Don't be shy now, dear." Aurora smiled before she took some pancakes. She placed some on her fork and brought it to her mouth, taking a bite from it. The moment she tasted it, she moaned at the delicious taste. She hadn't tasted them for a couple of years. They tasted exactly like the ones her mother made. "Your mother's recipe." Aurora gave the woman a sad smile which the woman returned. Both of them really missed the deceased Abigail Black-Potter. "I still miss her every day. She was too good for this world, even if she caused so much trouble at Hogwarts." Aurora's eyes started to water when she heard this.

"Beatrix, you were going to take her to the mall right?" Duncan asked trying to change the subject. The girl turned to the man with a grateful smile. 

'Thank you.' Aurora mouthed to the man. The man gave her a quick wink, making sure his wife didn't catch it.

"Oh, yeah." Beatrix said realizing their plans for the day. "We can leave after breakfast and lunch there if we need. Do you like that?"

"Sounds good." Aurora nodded after swallowing the last piece of her pancakes.  

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After breakfast, Aurora had gone upstairs again to get ready. After that, she grabbed the book she was reading and went back downstairs. She sat down on the couch, her feet tucked underneath her. Then she started reading her book, waiting for the woman to be ready to go.

 "Are you ready to go, dear?" Beatrix asked. Aurora had just finished her page when the woman called out to her. She stood up from the couch, placing her book down on the coffee table. She then walked towards the hallway where Beatrix was waiting for her.

"Almost." Aurora answered as she reached over to grab her cloak. Someone grabbed hold of her wrist the moment her hand touched the fabric. Quickly she retreated her hand as if it had been burned.

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