Chapter 11

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Thank you guys so much for the support and feedback it means so much to me!!!!!!! By the way hope you liked the little percabeth cliffhanger...hehehe!! Anyways here is Chapter 11
Percy's POV
I wake up to light coming into the cabin. I turn to my left to see a beautiful sleeping girl. Her blonde curls falling over her face. She is amazing...

"So you guys are up..." says a small voice.

I sit up to see Leo laughing and almost at tears. "Leo I swear to Zeus..." I said reaching for him but he bolted out of the room. I get upland start to get dressed when I here a yawn. "Morning." She got up and hugged me and made her way over to change. Blushing I sat down and put on my boots. Herself realizing yelled, "Percy out!"

I grab my cutlass and run out.

"So Mr.Lucky getting yelled at.

, said Leo smirking. The next second I was holding him by only his shirt over the churning sea. He screamed and then I threw him back on board.

"Done now."

"Yes captain..."

Headed up to the wheel to see Frank half looking at the sea and half at Hazel. I simply took the wheel from him and he was off to help Hazel with the sails.
The sea always calming. Well at least when it wasn't storming. Under me I hear footsteps and then a blonde ponytail go into the brig for interrogating him. I didn't even want to say that bastards name. We were doing fine till he came along. The sun moves to the middle of the sky by the time Frank takes the wheel back. Annabeth comes back looking tired and beat. She climbs all the way up to the crows nest. (If you don't know that is at the top of the sails or the look out point.

"You seem to come here a lot."

"Its the only place I can really think."

I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder.

"Why is life so hard?"

She only simles.

"Been asking my self that for my whole life."

She turns around and plants a gentle kiss. It spreads a warn feeling through my body. She then looks into my eyes. Her storm gray eyes remind me if a hurricane on the outside it is rough and untrustworthy but once you get to the eye it's calm and comforting. (The eye of the storm is the middle) She only stares at me thoughtfully.

"You know what I think I might love you."

"Wow really."

She laughs and I kiss her more passionately and with mire if a force. I would keep kissing her but a leaf flies in my eye. I throw it down to regain the loving embrace when I realize. WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN! Annabeth picks up the leaf and says,

"Do you know any satyrs?"

I smile widely and do a little dance. Its him finally after all of these years. Yes!

"Yeah his name is Grover."

Yay Grover! I decided to add Grover cause come on who doesn't miss that furball. Anyways thank you guys so much.

P.S. good outro? Yes? No?

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