Chapter One - Besties

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"Ughh" August groans as she sits up in bed.

"Why do I have to wake up so early man???" She thinks to herself

"Oh right yeah school, I honestly hate school but at least I get to see Maeve." She says to herself while giggling like a fangirl.

August lays back down and rolls onto her side, grabbing her phone. She checks her phone, searching to see if anyone has messaged her, perhaps her best friend Maeve? Maeve's name pops up on her brightly lit up screen. August smiles as she texts her, already planning on what she's going to say to her when they both get to school. August sighs and sits back up in bed, placing her phone back down next to her. She slowly stretches, yawning. Afterwards, she stands up and starts to get dressed ready to school but most importantly, ready for Maeve.

Ten minutes passes by and she quickly grabs her matching friendship bracelet and phone as she leaves her room. She walks down the stairs to her dining room where she then downs her food.

"Woah woah you're going to choke August. Actually chew your food for once." August's mother scolds her.

"Alright fine, I just don't want to miss the bus." Says August as she coincidentally chokes on her breakfast.

August quickly eats her food, chewing this time, then she brushes her hair, puts on her shoes, and leaves the house to get to her bus stop. August was so excited to see Maeve, they were best friends since year one and they were inseparable. 

Some guys from Augusts school were at the bus stop, they were generally talking but then they started making fun of her. August starts feeling uncomfortable and grabs her earphones from out her pocket, placing them in her phone and ears. She drowns the boys out by listening to her favourite artists: Girl in Red, My Chemical Romance, Lil Peep and Duster. 

The bus eventually comes and the boys get on the bus. The last boy to get on was a boy called Oliver, August hates  him. While the boys were getting on the bus, August stayed behind so she wouldn't get into trouble with them but while she was getting on, Oliver pushed her over so she fell into a puddle. The puddle wasn't deep so she wasn't soaked. Her eyes filled with rage and it seemed like lucifer took over her body for a split second. She got up and got on the bus, apologising to the bus driver. She sat by herself next to the window, holding in tears and listening to music. She could hear the boys laugh at the back on the bus and tried to block them out but to no avail. 

Eventually, she got to school. Her bus got to school later than usual so her best friends, Maeve and Iris, were already at school. She quickly leaves the bus and swiftly paced to Maeve. They hugged and August felt warm in her heart, her sadness quickly faded away and all she felt was happiness.

"Maeve, Iris!"



August hugged Iris and they all smiled.

"Ugh Oliver pushed me while I was getting on the bus so now my skirt is fucking wet!" August exclaimed.

"What a cunt! I can't believe that a ton of girls like him to be honest." Iris answers.

"Yeah, he's so mean!" Maeve replies.

Oliver and the rest of the guys walk past them and Oliver smiled at Maeve, Iris and August think nothing of it and just ignore it.

They all continue talking, complaining about their day and their upcoming classes.

"OMG I have drama first?? Let's go!!" August squealed.

"Lucky, we have English." Maeve sighed.

"It's legit so boring, like I would rather make out with a guy than sit through a whole hour of ENGLISH" Shouted Iris.

"You? Make out with a guy? Bestie you would rather die. Your gay ass could never" Laughed August.

"Oh come on, don't do me like that!!" Iris blushed.

Maeve looks to her left and then makes eye contact with August.

August blushes but continues laughing with Iris.


They all sigh and then they start walking up to their registration class.

They split and Iris and August go into their registration class, sitting next to each other. Iris and August kept touching hands but they just played it off.

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