Chapter Three - Midnight Talks

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The school day was over, August had the best time performing in drama and Iris and Maeve had fun in construction and art. As soon as August got home, she shoved her skirt into the washing machine and went straight to her room. She felt so embarrassed about what happened earlier and she had so much rage towards Oliver. She wanted him to just disappear. 

August laid in bed in her comfy pyjamas and just stared at the ceiling and slowly fell asleep, phone in hand. 

She dreamt about kissing Maeve but as soon as their lips touched, she woke up in a sweat. Hyperventilating, she looked at her clock.00:23pm. She sighed and sat up. 

"Jesus that dream was so realistic, I don't like her like that... Do I?" She thought to herself.

She grabbed her phone and turned it on. The brightness was blinding so she died for a split second before turning the brightness down. She had messages from Iris and Maeve, she smiled as she opened Maeve's.

"Hey you awake?" The message read.

"I only now just woke up sorry!!" August typed back quickly.

August then opened Iris's.

"You okay after what Oliver did? He's such a cunt. I hope your skirt dries!! :(".

August smiled and typed back "I shoved it in the washing machine and I'm okay. I fell asleep lol".

Iris went online.

"O. Well did you at least have a nice sleep??"

"Well I had this weird dream.. It was about Maeve.. :/"


"Me and Maeve kind of kissed..." 


"What no! She's straight and besides, she's 'popular' she would rather die than date me"

"Oh come on! You're childhood best friends!!"

"So are we but I don't fancy snogging you lmao"

"Still! Also she's bi. Did she not tell you that?"

"She is?? I guess I just forgot!"

"You have like the BIGGEST chance of dating her!!"

"Whateverrr. I'm going back to sleep bro"

"Back to smooching Maeve in your dream I see??"

"Literally shut up"

August smiles and giggles to herself. She did like Maeve. Iris confirmed it for her and Iris is always right. August has loved Maeve ever since they met and she believed that Maeve loved her too.

She checks hers and Maeve's chat but Maeve is offline. 

"I guess she fell asleep early" She chuckled to herself.

"Goodnight my love" She thought.

She put her phone down under her blanket and started cuddling it, there was a feeling of warmth that came from it. The same warmth that Maeve made her feel. There was a connection somewhere, deep inside. She knew that Maeve would love her back and that they would be perfect together. 

She was dreaming of this for years, a relationship with someone who knows her and who understands her and she was so close to reaching it.

She grabbed her phone and pulled up the chat with Iris.

"I'll ask her out on Friday ok, will that make you shush"


"Don't tell her please-"

"I won't!! Friday is so far though :(((("

"It's only 3 days away"


"now I'm going to sleep"

She chuckled, put her phone down next to her and fell asleep, thinking about her future with Maeve.

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