Chapter 2

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"I have heard enough warrior stories of heroic daring. Tell me how you crumble when you hit the wall, the place you cannot go beyond by the strength of your own will. What carries you to the other side of that wall, to the fragile beauty of your own humanness?" - Oriah M. Dreamer

Maybe This Time - Chapter Two

"Have Umut send a police unit to the victim's house," Ilgaz requested politely. "I was under the impression that the brother-in-law lied in his deposition. We need to surveil him and watch out for his next move," the prosecutor added, as usual trying to stay ahead of the developments in his cases.

Eren nodded, but instead of leaving to set the plan in motion, the commissioner kept still, staring at his friend. It was the look of sympathy on his face rather than his presence that really annoyed Ilgaz. The prosecutor finally noticed that Eren had no intention of leaving.

"What is it, Eren?" Ilgaz took a break from reviewing transcripts and put down his pen after letting out a heavy sigh. "Do you have anything else to report to me?"

Despite years of friendship and the two sharing a close bond, Eren hesitated. He knew he could openly talk to Ilgaz about anything, but this was a sensitive topic.

The commissioner was aware that Ilgaz was a practical, reasonable person. The prosecutor usually had a very logical perspective of things and rarely allowed his emotions to get in the way to the point where he couldn't be objective. However, every now and then, Ilgaz would come across a situation he couldn't process resorting only to reason. In those moments, the prosecutor's stubbornness and intransigence made him shut down in denial and completely obliterate his feelings.

Eren was sure the subject he was about to mention fell into that category.

"I swear I tried to tell you so you wouldn't find out like that, brother," Eren held his arms wide open, an apologetic expression on his face.

Ilgaz knew precisely what his friend was talking about, but he refused to acknowledge the topic of the conversation.

"Find out what, Eren?"

The commissioner took a deep breath, trying to remain patient. Ilgaz's stubbornness was irritating, but Eren understood that such behavior resulted from a painful heartbreak.

"I get that seeing Ceylin so unexpectedly couldn't have been the best experience. I spoke to her a couple of days ago and found out she was back in the city. I wanted to tell you; I swear I tried, but you figured it out yourself before I could say anything."

Eren looked Ilgaz in the eye, waiting for the prosecutor's reaction to the discovery. But after a few seconds of holding his friend's gaze without saying anything, Ilgaz simply picked up his pen again and resumed reading the documents on his desk.

"I need you to talk to Umut," the prosecutor repeated in a low voice.

Eren rolled his eyes, frustrated. He should have anticipated that the conversation would be extremely frustrating.

"You can't just tell me you saw her again and not say anything else," Eren complained vehemently. "What's this story about Ceylin becoming Melis's lawyer? Has the world turned upside down now? How is this possible?"

Ilgaz sighed heavily, convinced that Eren would not leave to resume work until he shared a little more about what had transpired the day before.

"It was merely a coincidence," Ilgaz made eye contact with his friend. "Melis met Ceylin at the registry office, and it was only by chance that Ceylin became her lawyer. I didn't know about it until it was a done deal, by the way," the prosecutor anticipated the question when he saw the doubt on Eren's face.

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