Chapter 5

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Hello beautiful fandom! How are you guys?

The readers have voted, so here it is, a huuuuge chapter (over 9k words!) filled with drama, tension, angst, desire and action. There is a bit of everything!

You guys have waited long enough, so here it is. Happy reading!


"Distance is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it inflames the great." - Roger Bussy-Rabutin

Maybe This Time - Chapter Five

Ilgaz rolled onto his side and sighed heavily when he noticed the digital clock atop his nightstand. Even though it was still early, it was already an acceptable hour to leave his bed.

He had spent most of the night awake questioning many of his decisions, something unusual for him. His head throbbed painfully with questions he didn't have answers to.

As a general rule, whenever something bothered him deeply, Ilgaz was able to compartmentalize his emotions and obliterate the ones that caused him to react negatively. However, it was impossible to ignore anything that involved Ceylin.

His mental strength and determination were losing the battle against the deepest desires of his heart. Feeling defeated, the prosecutor got up and put on the first shirt he saw before leaving his bedroom.

When he crossed the door, Ilgaz was welcomed by the wonderful smell of fresh coffee and fruit jam, but it was the sight in front of him that made him struggle with the urge to smile.

Ceylin worked on something on the kitchen counter with her back turned to him. She hadn't noticed his arrival, apparently very focused on the task at hand.

Even though he knew he should announce his presence, Ilgaz found himself postponing the moment. Once Ceylin realized she wasn't alone, the air between them would be tense again, and he wouldn't see her as relaxed and comfortable as now.

The prosecutor noticed she'd set the breakfast table and, this time, he couldn't contain the smile that lit up his face. Ceylin didn't have to say anything; he'd already picked up on the fact she was trying to make up for what she considered a gesture of kindness on his part to welcome her into his home. The lawyer viewed her presence there as a burden, despite Ilgaz repeatedly denying that assumption.

He watched as Ceylin finished cutting a few slices of cheese on a board and opened the cabinet above her head in search of a tray. As she stretched out one arm to reach the highest shelf, the hem of her top slid slightly upward, rewarding Ilgaz with the sight of her bare midriff.

Despite firmly telling himself to look away, Ilgaz couldn't stop staring. Ceylin was wearing loose, comfortable pajama pants, but the elastic strap on her hips perfectly outlined her feminine curves.

The top she had on was just as modest, but Ilgaz didn't need much to be assaulted by old memories. He'd already seen — and touched — many other parts of Ceylin's body before.

Memories of how the curve of her waist seemed perfectly designed to accommodate the touch of his hands flooded the prosecutor's brain, but Ilgaz finally forced himself to control the direction of his thoughts.

"What are you looking for?" He asked in a low voice, trying not to startle the lawyer.

Despite his effort, Ceylin splayed her hand on her chest and took a deep breath, making it clear that she had been surprised by his sudden presence.

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