Chapter 4

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Hey guys!

I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to be back 😊

First of all, I want to apologize for taking so long to update this story. I've always known that I didn't abandon it, I am going to finish it. But to know most of you guys haven't lost faith in me and still support and encourage this story has left me seriously moved. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. 🤍

Now, let's get to it! Happy reading!


"I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart ). I am never without it. "- E.E. Cummings

Maybe This Time - Chapter Four

Without thinking much about what she was doing, the lawyer splayed her hands on Ilgaz's chest and slid them to his shoulders, obliterating reason in favor of emotion, already anticipating the incredible familiar sensations she knew were about to come next.

Ceylin felt the touch of Ilgaz's forehead against hers as their breath mixed. The lawyer opened her mouth to accommodate the touch of his lips, a thrilling heatwave radiating throughout her entire body.

Then she heard a brief, loud sound that made her jump back, startled. The lawyer repeatedly blinked until she finally processed that the timer in the oven had announced their dinner was ready.

The serving of lasagna that had probably prevented them from doing something really stupid.

With her face on fire, Ceylin looked away, unsure of what to do or how to act. After a few seconds, she turned back around and glanced in Ilgaz's direction. Judging by his stiff posture, the prosecutor felt just as embarrassed.

Ilgaz cleared his throat as he headed toward the kitchen, clearly in shock.

"As I was saying, you can't leave," he insisted, despite his friendly tone. Ilgaz was acting as if they hadn't almost kissed and were still discussing the same subject as before. However, no matter how hard he tried, the prosecutor couldn't conceal his discomfort with the situation. "Dinner's ready. Let's eat."

Ceylin nodded and followed him to the kitchen. The pair remained in complete silence, both absorbed in their own thoughts.

The lawyer had the strange sensation that it was as if they were walking on eggshells, and any wrong move or word could jeopardize whatever little progress they'd made. Ceylin hated feeling that way. It got to her so much that she barely noticed how she and Ilgaz moved in synchrony through the limited space in the kitchen. Ceylin set the table with the ease of someone who belonged to that place and had performed the task many times before.

When they sat down to eat, the silence became too much to bear, and Ceylin couldn't help herself. She couldn't let go of the fact they'd almost kissed but it was best that they ignored what had just happened between them at the door - and what hadn't.

In an attempt to distract them and dissipate the tension that still lingered in the air, the lawyer resumed talking about the topic she had previously discussed with Ilgaz.

"There's something else I need to tell you," she attempted tentatively after Ilgaz served her a generous portion of lasagna. Ceylin took the plate with a half-hearted smile and placed it on the table but didn't start eating. "It's about the company I investigated in Ankara. The one I think is sending these people after me."

"Crux, isn't it?" Ilgaz asked, genuinely interested.

"Yes," Ceylin agreed while she distractedly touched the food with a fork. "I have been digging into their activities in my own time and..."

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