Chapter 6

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Hi guys! I am so sorry it took me this long to translate this chapter. It's a big one. 

Let's get to it!

(ps - thank you all so much for the amazing responses, the kind comments and all the love you guys give me! I appreciate it so much 🤍) 


"You can decorate absence however you want, but you're still gonna feel what's missing." - Siobhan Vivian

Maybe this Time - Chapter Six

Ceylin looked around nervously and once again studied the apprehension on the faces of those present.

Eren anxiously bit his nails. Right next to the commissioner, Umut seemed just as agitated, repeatedly tapping one leg. Opposite both guys, Melis paced back and forth in the hospital corridor, too tense to sit down.

Ceylin inhaled deeply and let her breath out slowly.

So much had happened in the last few hours that it was hard to know how to start processing her emotions.

Ilgaz had been stabbed in the abdomen earlier that afternoon as they tried to escape Lira headquarters. The lawyer vividly remembered her desperation when she'd noticed the growing bloodstain on the prosecutor's shirt.

Fortunately, the laceration had been limited to the skin and subcutaneous tissue, so the blade hadn't reached any vital organs. But they still needed to take Ilgaz to the hospital where Ceylin now waited for an update on the prosecutor's condition.

Her clothes were stained with his blood, but nothing would convince the lawyer to leave unless she saw with her eyes that Ilgaz was doing okay and his life wasn't in danger.

Ceylin had called Eren as soon as they'd arrived in the emergency room. The commissioner had driven there as fast as he could, stopping only to pick up Melis on the way. Ceylin knew Eren had new developments on the case to share, but he'd insisted on keeping those to himself until he could discuss them with the prosecutor.

When Ilgaz's doctor approached them in the waiting room, Ceylin stood up abruptly but relaxed a little when she saw in the man's face that he had good news to share. Her first impulse was to ask if she could see the patient, but she barely had time to formulate her question. After informing everyone that Ilgaz was fine and his life was not in danger, the doctor revealed that the patient had requested to see Eren.

Ceylin sank back into her chair and crossed her arms, unsure how to act next. She didn't know if they would let her see Ilgaz. His family was likely arriving at any moment, and judging by Melis's nervousness as she bit her nails, the teacher would probably want to stay with the prosecutor to take care of him.

Feeling nauseated at the thought of Melis caring for Ilgaz and showering him with affection, Ceylin looked away instantly. Her eyes then met Umut's. The moment they did, the police officer quickly lowered his gaze to his lap.

Ceylin frowned, intrigued.

What the hell was Umut hiding? Why did he look so tense?

If the lawyer had time to mull it over, she probably could have come up with half a dozen different reasons, but Eren interrupted her thoughts when he returned to the waiting room with a hint of a smile. Ceylin studied her friend, noticing a mix of relief, pride, and satisfaction on his face.

"Ilgaz wants to see you," he revealed, facing the two women present.

When Melis stepped towards the commissioner, ready to go meet the prosecutor, Eren gently stopped her.

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