Your Would-be Ally

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"Were you dreaming?"

"I don't know - I just -"

Eyes flashing with sudden mistrust, she shakes her head, "- What are you doing here?! And how the hell did you even find me? Did you follow me?!"

Her words, delivered in one breath as she quickly rises up from her seat. Realising exactly her intention, I shoot forward as fast as I can and grab a hold of her by both her wrists. And as I fly to my own feet, I see the unmistakable fear and shock in her eyes, a reflexive response to the strength of my determined grip.

I'd be lying to pretend the look in your eyes doesn't awaken something within me.

... What can I say?

Old habits and all that;

I suppose I just can't help myself.

For a tense several seconds, she and I stand there together in the tiny compartment staring one another down intently as she attempts to wrestle herself free of my hold.

"Let - me - go!"

"Stop - fussing! Behave! Comply!"

Her eyes narrowing at this, she begins to wriggle even more vigorously against me, her voice rising up to an alarmingly loud volume, "Hands off! IMMEDIATELY!"

Best to indulge that -

I don't want to;

Shouldn't have to.

But ...

... Long game -

Always remember the long game!

And so, with my hands reluctantly falling away, I nod in what I hope is a convincingly apologetic manner as my eyes remain trained intently on hers, "I'm ... sorry ..."

Kill me;

Fucking kill me now!

For this is absolutely insufferable.

Clearing my throat, I force myself not to break character as I blink back at her, every last bit of my self restraint now channelled into keeping my hands at my sides, "... Just ... please - please -"

This just gets worse and worse!

... Whatever;

Sell it. Really dig in.

Remember: endgame.

Playing it safe is different from playing it dumb though. And unable to shake my gnawing suspicion that she'll fly from me now, my hand darts with lightning speed into my inner jacket pocket as I pull my wand out and point it at the compartment door, locking us in. Then, waving it again, I cast a silencing charm. And finally, smiling despite myself as I watch her eyes widen in a mixture of disbelief and horror, I raise my wand towards the window, locking that as well.

For good measure, of course.

Because I didn't go through all this hassle just to risk you jumping out the window of a moving train and ending yourself.

... If anyone ends you, it's going to be me.


Do you understand?!?

Nodding at her now, I sigh softly and tuck my wand back into my jacket pocket. Then, slipping back down into the cushioned seat, I gesture for her to follow suit, "So then. If you'll just let me explain -"

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