Chapter 2: Golden Freddy

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Your POV

The clock chimed 12 and the phone rings. You were about to close the door but then all of them went inside except Chica. "I thought I will be alone tonight" you wailed. "We are bored so ya" Foxy said as he ruffled your hair. They turned into human form and talked to you. Suddenly you saw black smoke near the stage. "Guys, where does the thick black smoke coming from?" You asked and the boys looked at each other then took a fire extinguisher. "Onwards!!" Freddy said as the boys marched towards the kitchen as you laugh. You placed your mouth near the mic and spoke. "What is happening there?" You asked. "Oh, it's just Chica trying to make pizza!!" "A special pizza!!" "Ahh!!! There's a roach on a loose!!" "Ahhh!!!" You just turned off the audio and flicked through some random places. Your eyes felt heavy but before you know, you were asleep.


You woke up by the delicious hazelnut smell. You followed the smell and it lead through the kitchen. "Hey guys!!" You chirped and you saw them eating a pizza. ( calling all Nutella and Gummy bear lovers!! Prepare to drool!! *gives you guys a bucket* just in case if there's too much drool ) "Hey (y/n)!! We made Nutella with gummy bears on top!!" Chica yelled them munched on it. You drooled ( yes Nutella and gummy bear lovers, drool!! ) and you quickly wiped it off as you took 3 slices. As you took a bite you were eating it now dramatically as everyone stared at you with poker faces.

You just rolled your ryes as you headed back in the office. As you checked the cameras you saw a golden bear poster in a room. You stared at it for a long time as you wonder who it is. You just snapped out of your gaze. The tablet's screen buffered revealing the words 'It's me' You Saw a golden bear slouching beside you that made you scream. You fell of your chair as it glowed golden. It revealed a blonde haired boy with yellow bear ears and tail wearing a yellow button up long sleeve, black vest and formal pants, blue top hat and bow tie. He has tan skin with freckles on both of his cheeks but he have black eyes with white pupils.

You screamed again that made the boy covered it's ears. "Shut up!" He yelled. You stopped screaming as you stared at him. He just looked back at you, staring blankly. "(Y/N)!!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!? DID YOU HAVE ANY WOUNDS OR BRUISES?? DID YOU FELL??? HAVE YOU BROKE YOUR RIBS OR LEG OR ARMS OR FINGERS OR ANYTHING!???" Bonnie asked as he shaked you violently. "No!!" You yelled back. "THANK GOOD NESS YOUR ALRI- Mppph!!!" He was stopped my someone zipping his lips. You saw the blonde haired boy glaring at him. Bonnie gave a 'unzip-my-lips-jerk' look at the blonde haired boy.

He rolled his eyes then snapped his fingers until Bonnie's mouth is unzipped. "Cool!! Are you a magician or something??" You asked but he just gave you a poker face look. "Is he mute??" You asked Bonnie. "I'm not mute" the blonde haired corrected. "Stay beside me" Bonnie whispered. "Then are you blind? Your eyes are not normal" you heard him growl. "Umm (y/n)..... Please stop talking right now" Bonnie hushed. "Hmm... I like your freckles on your cheeks. It really suits you as a bear!" You giggled.

"That's it!!" The blonde haired growled as his eyes glowed black. "Woah!! Chillax man!!" You said as you put your hands in the air in defeat. "I love you (y/n) so much so please go to Pirate's cove" Bonnie begged. "I will take this little lassie to me cove" Foxy yanked you away. "Hey!!!! Im talking to Uh... What's his name?" He pulled you down on a barrel chair. "Ok I'm going to tell you who he is cause ye' have messed him up" he said as he sat on the floor. "Yay!!" You squealed.

"He's name is Golden Freddy, he is Freddy's older twin brother. Well, he is not that kind like us ye' know. He is a cold hearted boy, so when you messed him up. Your dead. Since you have pissed him, hardcore. Your doomed but we are here to protect ye young lassie" he messed up your (h/c) a bit. "Why do you guys needed to protect me when I can punch him right in the face?" You asked. "There's more ye' need to know lassie but let the others explained you sooner, I'm going to help them. Now stay here like a good pirate" he dashed out of the Pirate cove.

"What else do I need to know about that golden bear?" You asked yourself. You took out your phone then faced it in front of you. You saw your reflection until you gasped. You saw two dark blue eyes at the screen. In surprise, you grabbed your phone in the ground as someone grabbed you by the waist then put a hand on your mouth.

"Payback time~"


:3 Golden Freddy kidnapped you mwahahaha! *cough* *cough* don't worry reader. I will keep you safe~ bye~

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