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I ran up to my room and looked down at my arm, it was bleeding. I grabbed some medical supplies that I stored in my closet and took out bandages and rubbing alcohol. I fixed up my cuts and wrapped them in bandages, hoping that they wouldn't start bleeding again. I looked at the time, it was half past seven. I still have enough time to do my homework while getting ready to hang out with Dee. I plan to sneak out of my window at exactly 12AM. I told Dee about the plan right before school ended. We are gonna meet up with each other at the park and at 3 AM we will go back home.

Before I start on my homework, I went downstairs for dinner. My father and I sat down at the dining table. Chicken and other foods were laid on the table in front of me, they looked well made. I put the food on my plate and started eating. It tasted delightful! The potatoes are perfectly seasoned and the chicken was cooked to perfection. Father seemed to enjoy it too, he didn't make it so it was a surprise to him that the butler made it so tasteful.

"Can I be excused?" I asked once I was done eating.

"What for?"

"I need to get my homework done. It's due soon." He nodded and let me leave the dining table. I washed off my plate and went upstairs. I took the book out of my bag and started reading it. I am super close to being done so I will have that lifted off my shoulders when I finish. My eyes followed each word and then I finally got to page 183. I read it as fast as I could then slammed the book shut and took out the worksheets. I looked at the paper, the questions didn't seem too hard. I grabbed my pencil and started writing down the answers. The questions were related to what happened in the book, like the 'What happened to so-and-so.' type of questions. I got halfway done until the clock read a quarter to ten. I got up and took out some clothes that I like and went to take a shower. Before I could get inside the bathroom, father asked me why I was taking one at night instead of in the morning. I made up a lie and said that I want to go to school early, and he accepted of course.

I washed my hair and tried to make it the best I possibly could. I made myself smell incredibly good, but I don't know why. It's not like I like Dee anyways. He isn't even my friend but he still wants to hang out with me, why is that? Just thinking about him made my face turn red. I can't explain what's happening to me but a feeling keeps washing over me whenever I'm near him. A feeling of love. NO stop this nonsense! I can't like someone like him! His style choices are hideous! His face....stunning. NO NO NO NO NO! I can't think like this! I will just meet him at the park and get over with it.

I got out of the shower and checked the time. It was eleven sharp. Usually, father doesn't let me stay up this late but since it was "school" related he accepted it. I put on the outfit and waited until I could sneak out.

At exactly 12 AM I tied together some useless cloth and tied it up to the leg of my bed and swung it out the window. I crawled out and tried to make absolutely no sound. My feet hit the concrete and I started walking toward the park. As soon as I got there, I saw Dee sitting on a bench staring down at the ground, kicking his feet in the dirt. When he looked up and saw me a small smile spread on his face.

I walked up to him and sat next to him. He looked amazing.

"I'm surprised you actually came." He said.

"I'm quite surprised too," I replied.

"Look, I know you're all snobby and stuff but," He said.


"BUT. I wanna show you something." He grabbed my hand and dragged me off the bench.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere, just follow me." I nodded and let go of his hand. We walked until we reached an abandoned house. The windows were shattered and there was no door.

"What are we doing here?" I wondered.

"You like music, right?" He asked. I nodded and we walked inside. Despite him not answering my question, I am still curious about what music has to do with this. Once we walked in, the house was filled with musical instruments. Band instruments, like guitars and drums.

"Do you play?" I asked, walking up to a guitar. It was smooth and polished.

"UH. To be honest, no. I suck ass." He walked up next to me, examining the guitar. "Can you play?"

"I never have. But I might as well give it a shot! I play the violin, a guitar is like a violin without a bow." I picked up the guitar and a guitar pick that was next to it. Dee was looking through a box filled with sheets of paper. He handed me one and asked, "Can you play this?"

I grabbed the sheet of paper. At the top written in big letters was 'UNSAINTED'. It was said to be written by SlipKnot. I set the paper on a stand and held the guitar properly. I strummed the first few notes and I already fell in love. It was my first time playing the guitar but I was still good at it. Most likely from the violin. The music echoed around the room. Dee seemed to be liking it too. He stared at me. He was smiling in amazement. My finger glided across the strings hitting each note. I finally got to the end of the song and my arm felt like it got cut off it was that sore. I put down the guitar and Dee looked at me speechless.

"That was amazing." He said, finally being able to talk.

"Thanks," I said, smiling back at him. Our eyes met and we got closer to each other. I immediately got butterflies.

"OK, I THINK I HAVE TO GO NOW," I yelled. I started walking away back to my house. Behind me, I heard Dee say bye and laugh a bit. I'm now gonna be embarrassed for the rest of my life.

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