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(Y/n)'s pov

I walked inside, It was quiet. Father must've not gotten home from work yet. I walked upstairs and into my room. I softly closed the door behind me and pulled up my right arm sleeve. The bandages I put on before I went to school were starting to leak blood. I took off the bandage and wiped my cut with alcohol, it hurt like hell. I applied the new bandage and rolled my sleeve back down. I sighed and set my backpack down on the floor. I jumped on my bed and lay there, thinking about what happened this morning. Father got mad at me for having such awful eye bags. He told me that I looked ugly. He found out that I stayed up late and got so angry that I disobeyed his rules about going to bed at 10 PM that he started hitting me with his ruler that my skin ripped open.

I cleared my head and got out of bed. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, I forged through the fridge looking for something to eat. I pulled out some fresh strawberries, washed them, and set them on the cutting board. I pulled out a knife from a cabinet and started cutting the strawberries. Everything was calm until father walked in.

"Put down the food, it's not even dinner yet," He scolded. I stopped cutting and put down the knife. "Come inside the living room, I have a song for you to play."

"But father, my arm is extremely sore. I can almost do nothing with it." I said, walking with him into the living room.

"No excuses, young lady." I kept my mouth shut and unzipped my violin case. I took out my violin and father handed me the sheet of paper that he wanted me to play: Ysaye - Violin Sonata No. 3. I put my violin stand up and placed the violin on my shoulders. I picked up my bow and started playing the song. I have heard the song and played it many times before.

I played every single note without failure. I was quite surprised that I didn't start freaking out when I saw my fathers angered gaze stare through me. I finished the song, but my arm was in terrible pain. I Placed my bow and violin down and waited for my father's approval. Surprisingly, he said that he quite enjoyed it. It's nice to see him in a good mood for once. Then he got up from his seat.

"I'm gonna be working in my office, until then you may do your homework until dinner is ready." He said and started to go into the basement. I went upstairs and into my room. I grabbed my backpack and started to scavenge through it trying to find my homework. Unfortunately, couldn't find it. I must've left it at school. I went to my desk and pulled out a CD by Beethoven. I put it in my CD Player and turned it on. The sound echoed through my room, it was calming but I would like to listen to something different for a change. I jumped on my bed and soon I slowly started to drift off, although it was only 7 PM I am insanely tired. And before I knew it, I fell asleep.

I woke up and noticed that I didn't get woken up last night for dinner. My stomach grumbled, I am super hungry. I got up and put on some nice clothes and grabbed my backpack. I ran downstairs and grabbed something to eat. Fortunately, I won't have to be walking to school today, father told the butler to drive me. When I was finished with breakfast, I hopped in the car. We started driving and today was gorgeous outside. Birds were chirping and the sunrise was magnificent. While we were driving, I saw Dee and a younger shorter boy next to him. I waved and Dee waved and smiled back. The boy next to him had a rock band shirt on and long red hair, he also has green eyes but I could be wrong, I can't see him that well.

Once I got to school I walked inside and waited for Dee. I looked down at my phone for a split second to know the time and out of nowhere Dee pops up next to me and scares me. He started laughing so hard he was choking on the air.

"DAMN IT DEE!" I screamed so loudly it probably alerted the whole fucking school. "Don't scare me like that." I started laughing too.

"Oh sweet, you got a phone. Can I see it for a moment?" Dee asked. We started walking to our first class together.

"Sure, just don't do anything bad on it," I replied, handing him the phone. He wouldn't let me see what he was doing until he gave me back the phone. He added a phone number to my contacts and put in the name 'dee'. As plain as that. I looked up at him and laughed.

"That's one solid way to ask a girl for their number," I said.

"I didn't ask, I just gave."Dee laughed. We entered the classroom and it was practically empty. I heard the teacher complain about them having a party in the uni-sex bathroom, which sounded ridiculous. I sat down at my desk and went back on my phone. I decided to change the contact name a bit. I deleted his name and just put a simple red heart. I can't help but like him. No matter how hard I try, he just can't leave my mind. I put my phone down and took the worksheet for the book I finished that was stuffed in my desk's little compartment. I gave it to the teacher and immediately he smiled and his eyes lit up.

"Excellent job, (Y/n)!" He said in shock. "There is finally a smart student in this classroom other than Dee! That's amazing."

"Thank you, sir, I appreciate it," I said, and smiled back at him. He gave me back the paper. It had a solid A+ written in the corner. I put the sheet in my bag, I am planning to show father it to make him proud. It is my first graded assignment, after all.

When a bunch of people stormed into the classroom, the teacher was furious. He started scolding everyone about having their little party in the bathroom. Some people smelled like smoke and tobacco, which isn't a good representation of this school. Everyone sat down and pulled out the book Dracula. I did as well.

"Today class, we are gonna continue reading from where we left off. Page one-hundred eighty-three. Please take notes while reading and after thirty minutes I expect you to have read thirty pages. I will also give you another worksheet after thirty minutes, but please do not fill it out just yet." He said.

I opened my book and started reading. After a little while, I felt my phone vibrate. I looked at it, hiding it from the teacher. It was a message from Dee.

"u look incredible today" It read. I smiled at the text and my face got burning hot. I looked at him and saw him staring at me, a wide smile filled his face. I got butterflies in my stomach, so much that I felt like I was gonna throw up.

"You look great too" I replied. I looked back over at him and noticed him getting all nervous.

"It's quite obvious that your getting nervous, to be honest, it's kind of cute" I texted him back, he looked even more nervous than before after he read it.

"shut up" I started giggling and Dee threw his phone in his bag. Blush was painted all over his face.

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