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Dee's pov

When I got home from school I walked to my room and took out my guitar.

"Heavy get in here! I finished your homework!" I yelled. After a few seconds, I heard Heavy stomping over to my room and knocking on my door. He opened it and had a huge smile on his face. Although I knew he wasn't too happy teaching me, he sure was happy to be annoying me the whole time.

He let himself in my room and sat down on my bed while I took a seat on my desk chair. He had a regular guitar while I held a bass guitar. My guitar was red and outlined with a white stripe. He started talking to me and teaching me a few simple chords. He played very well and I kept getting mad at the guitar. I started getting the hang of it after a while, though, but my hands felt like they were gonna fall off. The tips of my finger started to get sore and I set down the guitar for a break.

"Damn why is playing guitar so fucking hard," I mumbled. Heavy heard me and started giggling. "I'm done for today," I told Heavy to get out and shut the door. I decided I was gonna walk around the park for a bit and changed into some warmer clothes. A black death metal hoodie over a Twisted Sister Tee-shirt and dark, lifeless, green cargo pants. The shade of green that the cargo pants were dyed looked grey. I put a ten-dollar bill in my pocket and left my room.

"Where are you going, Dee?" Dad asked, looking out the door of his office.

"I'm just going to take a walk, dad," I respond, walking out the door. The sun was setting and the grass was covered with snow. I looked at my phone and the clock read 6:29. I looked down at my feet as I walked forward toward the gas station. While I was walking, I noticed someone familiar. It was (Y/n). She held her violin case and kicked the ground while walking. I noticed she had a huge smile on her face.

"What are you still walking around for?" I called over. She jumped and almost slipped on the ice below her and she started laughing.

"I was at the auditorium!" She yelled back and started walking over to me. "What are you doing?"

"Going to the gas station. Wanna come with?"

"Can't. I have to get back home." She said, her smile fading a bit.

"Are you telling me you don't want to hang out with me?" I said, sarcastically.

"Fine, asshole." She muttered and kept walking with me. We got to the gas station and she told me she had some money with her so she was gonna buy something. I walked in a few isles looking around and finally spotted what I wanted. I slipped cigarettes and matches into my pocket when no one was around. Luckily, my hoodie was big enough to cover my pockets. I kept on walking around and pretended as if nothing happened. I grabbed some snacks and went up to the cashier. I set everything but the cigarettes and matches on the counter and took out the ten.

"Is that all?" He asked me, scanning everything.

"Yep," I said. He put everything in a bag and handed it to me.

"Have a good night." He said, but I could tell he didn't mean it.

"Thanks, you too," I said and walked to find (Y/n).

"You find anything?" I asked her.

"Nope. I'm not going to get anything. I'm going to have dinner when I get home."

"Alright," I said and I started walking out with her.

"What did you get?" She asked and we sat down on the side of a small alley way next to the gas station.

"Only a few snacks." I sat the bag down. "Oh yeah, and this." I took out the box of cigarettes with the matches and she looked shocked.

"Wait. You shoplifted them?"

"Mhm. I'm not old enough to buy them so I took them. It's a great deal." I started laughing quietly.

"Jackass! We could have gotten the police called on us." She said, still in shock.

"It's fine. No one cares around here anyways." I took out a cigarette and lit it with the fire of the match and put it in my mouth. I gently sucked on the cigarette and inhaled the smoke. I took the cigarette out of my mouth and blew a ring of smoke in the air. I looked at (Y/n) and she looked amused.

"Wanna try?" I asked, handing her the cigarette.

"I'm fine." (Y/n) declined, pushing it back to me. I rolled my eyes and put the cigarette back in my mouth, doing the same trick as before.

"You sure are a snob," I muttered.

"That's not true, I just don't want to get addicted."

"You're not gonna get addicted if you only do it one time. Now stop being a scary cat and do it." I handed her the cigarette once again and she took it this time. I was pretty surprised when she put it in her mouth without hesitation. It seemed like she immediately regretted it, though. She started coughing like crazy. A puff of smoke came out of her mouth a nose and her eyes started watering. I started laughing a bit and took the cigarette back. She couldn't help but laugh too. When she stopped coughing she wiped her eyes and looked into mine. She gave me a huge smile.

"You are insane-" I stopped her from talking by kissing her. I don't know what I was thinking. Her mouth tasted like smoke and I stopped the kiss, smiling at her. She looked stunned and her face look liked it got painted red. The light near us made her eyes glow, lighting up the whole alley. Lighting up my heart.

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