Chapter 1 - A Long Trip

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A gruelling 10 hour car journey awaits us. However, nothing will extinguish my excitement. I'm just lucky Jayce is driving, not that I could drive even if I wanted to. I suppose I could be luckier though as Viktor is riding shotgun. Meanwhile me and Caitlyn get banished into the back seats.

"Should I move into the very back seat? I'm worried that it'll be a little cramped having all three of us sat in the same row."

"No, there should be enough space back here for all of us." Caitlyn reassures.

Caitlyn is right. There is a lot of room in this car, however I'm more worried about it being awkward, less so cramped. Sitting in close proximity to someone I don't know has always made me nervous.

We reach the gates and the car stops just outside. "Did someone order a taxi?" says Jayce, clearly joking around with Vi. Caitlyn gets out of the car and helps Vi put her bags in the boot. My head is going crazy with the excitement of meeting someone new. I've always loved meeting new people.

I can hear the two women talking while they rearrange the bags in the back.

"I would have been here sooner but my sister was hogging the shower." Her voice sounds softer than I expected. Then again, I don't really know what I expected.

"That's alright. We can still make it to the hotel before it gets too late." Caitlyn says as she makes her way around to the car door. I hear the boot door get slammed and Caitlyn gets into the car. I expect Caitlyn to scoot over and sit in the middle but she puts her belt on and I'm left a bit confused. Is Vi getting in the very back?

My confusion doesn't last long as Vi opens the door next to me. My eyes go wide and my mouth falls agape. Fuck, she's hot. Not good.

"Hey, can you slide into the middle?" An "uh, yeah." leaves my mouth and I undo my belt and move into the middle seat.

Once she gets in the car I can see her tattoos. Oh shit, she's really hot. Get a hold of yourself Y/N. This is no time to be a blushing school girl. She's just a woman. With super cool tattoos. And pretty hair. A nice voice... Stop! We are not doing this right now. I mentally scold myself for thinking such weird things about someone I've only just met.

"Vi, meet Viktor and Y/N." Caitlyn says as she gestures to me and Viktor.

"It's a pleasure to meet the girl who has been keeping us waiting." Viktor sarcastically lets out. I can see Jayce in the mirror. He's glaring at Viktor who doesn't seem to care. Vi seems to tense up a little at Viktor's sarcastic remark.

"Yeah. Siblings, what can I say. Sorry for holding everyone up." She says as she grabs the belt behind her. Vi's muscles flex as she does so. She's so ripped!

I feel Caitlyn kick me and at first I think I've been caught staring. "Ow, what was tha- Oh, OH." But after looking at her I understand what she's getting at. I turn to face Vi and push down the urge to inspect every detail of the new- very attractive- woman.

"Hello Vi. I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you." I say as I smile and hold my hand out for her to shake.

Do people shake hands anymore? Why am I trying to shake her hand?! This is weird isn't it? I blame my brother for this. He always shakes peoples hands.

Vi looks at my hand for a moment before taking my hand into her own. Her hands are a bit rough but her grip is soft. I think I can feel calluses on her hands. She must lift weights. Which would explain her physic.

I let go of her hand after we shake and I dare to make direct eye contact. Up to this point, I've either had my eyes closed or focused on the pink hair Vi's completely rocking. A big mistake on my part.

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