Chapter 4 - Grove Hollow

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The closer we get to our final destination the prettier our surroundings become. The roads are in surprisingly good condition considering how far away we are from any cities.

My mind is in complete awe when I see the forests surrounding this vast countryside. Forests I fully intend to explore.

My heart begins to swell and all my anxieties about coming here vanish as soon as we round the final corner in the road. The Kiramman's really know how to pick the biggest, fanciest mansions around. This must have cost a fortune! But my god does it all seem worth it.

As we get closer, I'm able to see more of the house's exterior. Unlike Caitlyn's home in Piltover, there doesn't seem to be any large brick walls surrounding the property. Which I find rather odd. This place looks like it costs far too much not to have some sort of security?

"Cait, how come there aren't any walls or fences surrounding the house?" I ask.

"My mother says it ruins the view. But don't worry about it being safe. We've had this home for years now and hardly anyone knows it's here." Caitlyn says as she stares out the car window. I do the same, this time looking out across the land.

It has only just accrued to me how high up we are. I can see hills for miles around and very far off on the horizon sit two mountains, one far bigger than its small counterpart. The trees paint colours of orange, red and yellow all across the sprawling land. This place truly is magical.

I'm drawn out of my awe stricken state by the sound of the stat nav. "Destination straight ahead." Low and behold, the house was right in front of us now. Grand and glorious.

"Finally." I hear Vi breath out.

"I'm so excited! This place looks so full of history, Caitlyn." I can barely stop myself from jumping up and down in my seat. I always had a soft spot for old historical buildings. Their beauty is unmatched.

"That's because it is full of history. My mother originally wanted to have it modernised. However my father said the house had its own charm. So they ended up leaving it the way it was." Hmm, that does sound like Caityln's mother. She always did seem to prefer the newer more modern look of things. Her father being the complete opposite. Always seeing the magic in the originals or classics I suppose.

"Do you know much about the history of this place?" Viktor pipes up a question from the front seat. I'd almost forgotten Vikor was here. He's been quiet ever since we got into the car. No doubt from the lack of sleep he had last night.

"No." Caitlyn sighs out. "I never had time to look into it. I was always too focused on my cases."

"That sounds a lot like you, Cait." Jayce says. I can hear the amusement in his voice and it makes me smile.

"I thought Powder could get obsessed." Vi says.

"I can't help it if I take my job seriously. Y/N is more obsessive than I am anyway." Caitlyn says, trying to deflect the attention from herself to me. I dramatically gasp before denying the very blatant truth Caitlyn has spilled about me.

"How dare you imply such a..." I have to stop for a moment to think of a dramatic word. "Ludicrous and untrue trait about me. You, Caitlyn, are skating on thin ice." I say wagging my finger at her from the back seat. She just scoffs at me while a smirk tugs at her lips.

"Is that so?" She fires back. What are friends for if not trying to outwit or aggravate each other? However, I know better than to tango with Caitlyn and her wit.

"Yes." Is the most simple and easy answer to give. It's also the least likely to end with me being made a fool of. "But it's okay Cait, I love you enough to forgive your insolence."

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