Prologue - Road Trip Ready

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"Y/N hurry up or you'll be late!"

Gah! Where did I put my phone?

In a mad rush to find my phone I throw my once neatly laid out blankets to the floor.

Still no sign of it, really?

"Have you seen my phone anywhere? I can't find it!" I yell down the stairs to my mother.

Goddammit, how did I manage to lose it? I just had it.

"Want me to call it for you?" she yells back.

"Yes please." I reply.

"It's ringing."

A few moments pass before I hear a faint buzzing coming from underneath my bed.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Ah ha! There you are. How did you get under here? Sneaky little phone.

"Did you find it?" My mother asks as I grab the phone and end the call.

"Yes, just grabbing my bags now."

"Well hurry up!"

I roll my eyes at my mothers impatience. Kneeling down I quickly shove a journal, my earbuds and a few of my favourite snacks into my backpack before slinging it over my shoulder and going to grab my big suitcase. I run out of my bedroom door, making sure to listen for the click before sprinting down the stairs. I don't want to come home to find out my door was open and that my mothers cat ate my poor hamster.

My mother is waiting in the living room and gets up as I reach the bottom of the staircase.

"Do you have everything you need?"

"Yes, I think." I start listing off everything I packed hoping that if I have forgotten anything, I'll remember. "Clothes, toothbrush, Hot water bottle, jacket, scarf..." Why do I feel like something is missing?

"Are you taking your camera?"

Ah! Yes, my camera. I can't go without that. I need the pictures for work when I get back.

"Yes. I almost forgot about it, which would have been very bad. Thank you mother."

"Well hurry up and get it." She says while taking my luggage from me. "I'll put these in the boot and start the car."

I can't believe I nearly forgot my camera. I could use my phone but what's the fun in that? Plus it hardly has enough storage to function let alone all the photos I need to take.

Sprinting back upstairs and into my room, I find the black camera bag hanging just where I had left it; On the coat rack next to my wardrobe. I grab the bag, say my last goodbyes to Gimli and hurry back out of my bedroom hearing the click of my door behind me.

Holiday here I come! I can't wait!

I get into the car and my mother starts going through what I should do if any emergencies happen.

"I know mother. You tell me this every time I leave the house." I smile.

She's so predictable. You would think that since I'm going on holiday with not one, but two police ladies, she wouldn't worry so much. Yet, here she is acting like I'll be murdered the instant I get to Caitlyn's holiday home.

"I'm just making sure you stay safe Y/N. I'm your mother after all. I'm allowed to worry about you."

I laugh and remind my mother that Caitlyn is a part of the police. I also remind her that Caitlyn's co-worker is coming with us as well as Jayce and Viktor. She seems to relax a little at being reminded that Caitlyn will be there but she then starts stressing over this mystery co-worker.

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